Some skins are easy to get in Secret Staycation, but others? Not so much. Who knew that a studio type flat in the middle of the city would actually be that difficult to navigate when you’re looking for new skins?
Usually, when you think of cheese the fridge in the kitchen would come to mind, not in this flat. You’re going to have go in deep if you want to find the small piece of cheese.
Check out the rest of the guide if you’ve been having some trouble finding it yourself.
Where to Find Small Piece of Cheese Location
The Small Piece of Cheese, just like with the other skins you can get, is inside of the maze. You can get to the maze by going to the other side of the kitchen.
Go underneath the giant shelf and you’ll find a hole in the wall, granting you access to the inside. This is also the same place you’d go to if you ever want to visit the balcony or outside area of the flat.

Make a right turn when you first get in. You’ll know that you’re going the correct direction if you find a spoon along the hallway.
If you do, go all the way to the end of the hallway and turn left when you see a ballpoint pen.

Go past the ballpoint pen and turn right when you get the chance to do so. You’ll end up doing a U-turn at this point, you’ll also see a coin on the side.
Use that as a landmark if you ever get lost.

Stay on the left side when you get to the next section. You’ll find another coin on the side of the hallway.
Keep following the hallway and make one more U-turn at the first opportunity.

Turn left once more and you’ll end up in a room with a stash of coins in it. This is the same room where you’ll find the small piece of cheese lying on top of some dirt.
Interact with the object to add it to your collection!

Do you want to see all the locations in one place? Make sure to check out our dedicated guide for All Food locations in Secret Staycation!
And that’s where you find the small piece of cheese in Secret Staycation. Don’t get lost now, you’ll end up outside instead if you do!
ALSO READ: Secret Staycation: Where to Find Chili Pepper Location