
Slap Battles: Best Fish Spots Guide

Time to sleep and get that badge!

Slap Battles Best Fish Spots Guide.

Getting a new kit or skill in a game is always fun but sometimes the game makes you jump through a few hoops to get it. Some of them can be easy while others are a bit harder to get but are often the more rewarding.

In Slap Battles, you can get a lot of different gloves through various ways. One of the gloves you can get is the Fish glove and to get that you’ll need to get a badge. This badge requires you to sleep uninterrupted, which can be a problem in a PVP game!

In this guide, we’ll show you the best spots you can sleep in the game so that you can get the Fish glove. Now, let’s see what the best spots to get the Fish glove is!

Best Fish Spots Guide

There are a lot of different gloves that you can get in Slap Battles and some of them can only be obtained through badges. To get some of these badges you’ll need to get specific gloves first, like the newly released Leap of Faith badge that gives you the Schlob. To get that you’ll need to Fish Glove!

SIDE NOTE: Want to try to get all the Cheeky’s in the game? Check out our How To Get All Cheekys Guide for more details!

Deep Slumber Badge

If you’re trying to get the new Schlob glove, you’ll need to get the Fish Glove first. To get that one, you’ll need to get the Deep Slumber Badge, and for that, you’ll need to use the “ZZZZZZZ” glove.

The glove’s ability is for your character to fall asleep where you ragdoll onto the ground. To get the Deep Slumber Badge you’ll need to use the glove and sleep for a total of 1 hour in a public server. This can be a problem since players can slap you and stop the sleeping process.

Common Places To Sleep

One of the most common places to try and get the Slumber Badge is to go one of the outlying islands on the map. Jump to one of them and then sleep under the tree and hope that nobody slaps you. Since it’s a well-known tactic though, most players will find you easily doing this.

Slap Battles Under Tree
Get some nice sleep under the trees!

Another great place to sleep is on Moai Island, but again it’s a well-known spot to try to get the badge. You’ll have to be extremely lucky to sleep here without being disturbed.

SIDE NOTE: Want to get some freebies in the game? Check out our Slap Battles Code Guide for more details!

Slap Battles Moai Island
The Moai island is also a great place to sleep!

Another well-known area to sleep for the badge is the floating plate. It’s a platform that goes around the map and you can go there to sleep. The downside of this platform is that it can be a bit buggy and you can fall off when it completes a rotation.

Slap Battles Floating Plate
Be careful since you can fall off!

Uncommon Sleeping Spots

If you want to try out some other places that not a lot of players will go to, then Castle Island is one of them. Behind the castle, there is a great shaded area where you can just sleep and not a lot of players go there.

Slap Battles Behind Castle
Use the shade areas to get some sleep!

Another great hiding spot is on the scaffolding of one of the castle’s towers. Try to get into the levels below the top since you can easily be spotted when you’re on the topmost scaffolding. Most players stick to the main island to fight each other so there is a higher chance for you to get the badge here. Just remember that you’ll need to sleep here for a whole hour!

Slap Battles Castle Scaffolding
You’ll have to jump from the other side to get here!

Sleeping Spots With Friends

If you have a friend with you with certain gloves, you can find even better spots to sleep in public servers. Get a friend that has a balloon glove and make them slap you, so you can get 3 balloons. You’ll then want to float up following the big chain and then go to where it ends.

Not a lot of people can reliably go here and most people don’t have a reason to, so it’s one of the best spots to get the badge!

Slap Battles Top Of Chain
Nobody will disturb you here!

If you have a friend that has the Cloud Glove you can ride with them and drop off to the many trees in the game. If you position it right, you can sleep on top of them, and most players won’t even see you.

Slap Battles Top Of Tree
Drop off on top of a tree and snooze there!

Leash And Cloud Trick

For this last method, you’ll need two people, one with a Cloud Glove and another with a Leash Glove. Have your friend spawn a cloud while the other friend with a leash gets on it. The Cloud user then resets and while he does that the Leash user slaps you with a leash.

The cloud user then needs to change to a glove that makes you stand up while being leashed. A lot of gloves can do this, but the easiest one is the Brick Glove. Make sure that you’re walking when they pull you to the air and then you can just sleep!

Slap Battles Leash With Cloud
I don’t know how you can sleep with this but it works!

Now, your friend will just need to keep you in the air while you sleep for 1 hour to get the badge! Make sure to get your friend a gift for doing a massive favor like this. Those are the best spots to try and get the Fish Glove in Slap Battles. Now, go out there and try it out yourself! Want to try out the other gloves in the game? Check out our How To Get Knockoff Glove for more details!


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