Sometimes you wear armor for protection, most of the time you wear it because it looks good on you regardless of the stats it has to offer. This, in turn, makes it obvious to other players that you simply cannot make up your mind when it comes to decision-making.
But in Smalland, that can be remedied quite literally by suiting yourself up with the Healer Armor! Not a lot of players have discovered it yet since they’re still busy trying to find a place high enough to stay in, don’t be one of those players, read the guide and find out more about how to get yourself some Healer Armor!
How To Get Healer Armor | Smalland
The Healer Armor is one of the best armor sets that are currently available in-game, this would only mean that the materials required along with the overall amount of effort needed will be quite demanding.
Not to worry, all of that information will be covered, the only thing you’ll be doing is a little bit of walking here and there.

You’re going to have to talk to Tuhala in order to get started, you can find the witch in the southern swamps of the Overland. Once you complete her quest and kill the Spider Matriarch in no specific order, the recipe for the armor set will become available to you.
Here’s what you’ll need to be able to craft it:
- x15 Bark
- x24 Fiber String
- x20 Textile Patch
- x24 Refined Wood
- x12 Blood Sac
- x12 Greater Health Elixir
The Greater Health Elixir requires a bit more effort than usual compared to the others when it comes to materials as you’ll be needing x12 Toad Flesh, x36 Nectar, and x12 Seed Oil to make it.
If you want an easier time gathering blood sacs staying the night in the swamps and waiting for mosquitoes will be your go-to option. The same goes for the Toad Flesh too!
And that’s how you get the Healer Armor, with a grocery list in hand along with an inventory filled with the necessary materials, you can now head back to the swamp and get Tuhala to craft the armor set for you!
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