The Lost Valley DLC is adding a whole new whopping 9 subclasses! You might get so excited and not even realize which one is the best. Well I made a little list in order to make you make your mind straight. Let’s check it out.
Which Are The Best Subclasses – Solasta Lost Valley DLC: All Subclasses Ranked

- Court Mage Wizard – This one seems pretty crazy strong if you ask me. Even if it only got the counterspell bonuses, still these bonuses are crazy strong and the advantage is really noticeable. You can throw level 3 slots at level 5-6 spells and be reasonably sure that they will work . This is strong, but Spell Shield pushes it even more way to the top. Start with Sellsword for medium armor protection and you can sit happy with 19 AC, before magic items, with around only 14 DEX. There is a lot of build space for things like extra CON when you only need INT.
- Circle of Balance Druid – Easier explanation is boring but strong. Not a lot of new things added, but the passives upgrade makes him a whole lot stronger. Revify, Prayer of Healing and Gift of Life lets you drop easily from divine caster. Survival of the Wises is +2 to spell save DCs and Attacks, this can be crazy strong if stacked with other sources. Cold Embrace is kind of weak but still helpful. Very good subclass indeed.
- Path of the Claw Barbarian – Not very appealing. Don’t get me wrong, not bad at all. Just the other 2 are way more fun and interesting. The extra melee damage is nice, that’s all.
- Mischief Cleric – The spell list is OK. Borrowed Luck and Elusive Target are very good. Strike of Chaos on the other hand, not as much., just like Wild Sorc.
- Commander Fighter – This subclass is great. Rousing Shout pairs very good with crit-fishers like Paladin and Rogue, as well as blaster casters. The 24 times per short rest is very generous. Coordinated defense not very good, but scales well on Fighter with time. Invigorating Shout is just excellent.
- Oath of Judgment Paladin – A lot of people favourite because of the spell list alone. Guiding Bolt, Haste, Hold Person are all amazing on a Paladin. Channel Divinity and Aura of Righteousness are boring, but great. Around +12 DPR.
- Swift Blade – Is very interesting and fun especially its dual wield. The bonus attack is still dicey, but getting a third attack on level 11 is crazy op strong if you ask me, especially for a non Fighter. Let’s assume the target already has a Hunter’s Mark on it, with Battle Focus at level 11 , you are looking at 4 attacks with an extra 8d8+4d6 weapon damage. What more should be said.
- Hoodlum Rogue – You can play a RAW STR Rogue. Menacing gives much needed survivability. Just an easy 10/10.
- Sorc – Not very special. Divine soul is good but that’s about it.
In total, to summarize, every subclass has its own quality. The only issue is what to choose to play as. Good luck!
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