Sol’s RNG, as the name would lead you to believe, is all about pure luck and constantly rerolling to get the rarest auras that you can acquire in the game. With each new update comes a wide range of new features and obtainable stuff, and in this guide, we will be going through each new aura added in the latest patch.
Every New Aura in Era 6 Guide
The Era 6 path came out very recently, and it added all sorts of new quality of life changes, a few balance updates, and various other cool stuff that you can earn. A lot of bug fixes were also rolled out!
There are quite a bunch of major additions, but we’ll only be covering aura-related stuff, so let’s start off with things that are entirely new!
New Era 6 Update Auras
A whole bunch of new auras were added in the update, almost all of which are obtainable via normal rolls. Only a few people have gotten these so far, but we can show you what each of them look like below.
#1. Jade Aura (1 in 125,000)
The new Jade aura is not exceedingly rare, but it is still pretty hard to get. It forms a translucent green bubble around your character, who will be hovering in the air while it is equipped.
Moving around with this aura also leaves behind a short trail of green particles. There will also be various nebula-like particles surrounding your character model.

#2. Defined (1 in 2,222,000)
The Defined aura is incredibly rare and supposedly a limited addition to the game, though we are not entirely sure about the latter fact.
Anyways, the aura itself has a black and white theme, and it adds a very prominent glow around your character’s head. There are also various particle effects coming out of both your model and under its feet.

#3. Exotic (1 in 99,999)
Exotic is relatively easy to get and has a pretty basic yet aesthetically pleasing theme. It basically makes a bunch of different colored swirls rotate around your feet and torso. It also has a very distinct translucent strobing wing effect.

#4. Kyawthuite (1 in 850,000)
This edgy aura has a sinister purple glow effect juxtaposed with sparkly stars that are being released from your character model. A bunch of dark cubes also rotate around your character as they hover around slightly above the ground.

#5. Magnetic Reverse Polarity (1 in 1,024,000)
The Magnetic Reverse Polarity aura has an incredibly flashy effect in which two rings of different sizes rotate around your character as various other particle effects are generated in between.

#6. Ethereal (1 in 35,000,000)
This insanely rare aura has a neutral color scheme and creates a sort of vortex under your character model’s feet. This is accompanied by five glowing orbs that rotate all around you.
After a few seconds of having this aura equipped, a white ball of energy will appear over your head as well, which is connected to the ground with some translucent colorless chains.

#7. Unbound (1 in 20,000,000)
Another incredibly rare drop, the Unbound aura has a purple theme and causes glowing star-like particles connected by what appear to be waves of electricity to appear all around your character.
A swirling purple vortex will appear under your feet, while a strange glowing cube starts flying around over your head as well. Random purple thunder strikes will also appear around you over time while it is equipped.
SIDE NOTE: You’ll need the Unbound Aura for the Altar Quest, make sure to check out our dedicated guide for that topic as well!

#8. I’m Peach (1 in 400,000,000)
Finally, with a ridiculously low drop rate and a limited availability, the I’m Peach aura (a cheeky way of spelling the word “impeached”) is incredibly flashy and impossible to miss if you see someone rocking it in the game.
It’s hard to find one of these out in the wild, but from what we can see, it has an absolute messy cluster of large and shiny particle effects that will surely grab the attention of everyone in the server.

#9. Kromat1k (1 in 40,000,000)
Another limited addition, the Kromat1k aura appears to be a less messy version of the I’m peach one above. It creates a bunch of sparkly particle effects all around your character, and these will change in color over time. Your character will also start flailing around in the air while it is equipped.

A Few Reworked Auras
In addition to these new additions, a handful of existing auras also received some reworks. Let’s quickly go through each of the reworked ones below:
Gravitational Rework (1 in 2,000,000)
The decently rare Gravitational now creates a shiny white or light blue glow around your character. A sort of star shape will also start spinning around your model’s head.
In addition to these flashy particle effects, a bunch of rocks will also floating around your character as it is equipped. You also do a wide and confident pose as you hover over the ground.

Glitch Rework (1 in ???)
The Glitch aura lives up to its name as everything about it just absolutely glitches out. It might be considered to be one of the flashiest auras in the game just because of how much it has going for it.
It’s hard to explain what exactly is happening as everything about the aura, including your own character model, will start spazzing out and change colors over time.

Undefined Rework (1 in 1,111)
Finally, the Undefined aura also got a rework. Now, it creates a black and white glow around and under your character model. In addition to all of that, a black X mark will also start pulsing in front of your character’s face while it is equipped.

And those are all of the new auras that we are aware of in the latest update of this glorified slot machine game. While you’re here, you may as well check out our guide on all of the secrets in Sol’s RNG that you may have missed!
Exotic is not a new aura. It’s been around before Era 6.