Sol’s RNG is an AFK type of a game in which players try to collect Auras. It is available as a free game on Roblox. There are a lot of different Auras available in the game and some of them are extremely hard to get.
Currently, The Egg Hunt 2024 event is going on in the game. This guide will show you how to get the Star Egg. It requires you to collect 15 Eggs hidden in different locations. Keep reading to learn about all the locations of these 15 Eggs.
- Egg #1: Carnation Pink Egg
- Egg #2: Institutional White Egg
- Egg #3: Ghost Grey Egg
- Egg #4: Deep Orange Egg
- Egg #5: Sand Blue Egg
- Egg #6: Magenta Egg
- Egg #7: New Yeller Egg
- Egg #8: Dark Nougat Egg
- Egg #9: Medium Brown Egg
- Egg #10: Lapis Egg
- Egg #11: Smoky Grey Egg
- Egg #12: Bright Bluish Green Egg
- Egg #13: Maroon Egg
- Egg #14: Lilac Egg
- Egg #15: Really Black Egg
How To Get Star Egg
First of all, you need to get its quest from Lime. If you do not know about Lime, she is sitting on a bench to the left of the spawn area.

Interact with her and after her dialogs finish, accept the quest. Now you need to collect 15 Eggs which are hidden away in different areas of the game. Locations of all the 15 Eggs are given below:
Egg #1: Carnation Pink Egg
This Egg is pretty easy to get. It is located to the right side of the bench on which Lime is sitting. Touch the Carnation Pink Egg to collect it.

Egg #2: Institutional White Egg
For this Egg, make your way to the backside of the Top Donated leaderboard which can be spotted from the spawn area.

You will find the Institutional White Egg behind the Leaderboard.

Egg #3: Ghost Grey Egg
This is also in the same area like the previous Egg. It is in one of the Boxes which are for sale (located to the right of Donations leaderboard).

The Ghost Grey Egg is in the 2nd Box from the right. Go over there and interact with the Box to take it out.

Egg #4: Deep Orange Egg
To get this Egg, go to the Floating Platform shown below in the image by going through the Obby. This area is easily spotted from the spawn location.

The Deep Orange Egg is hiding behind the giant tree.

Egg #5: Sand Blue Egg
This Egg is also located near the Floating Platform. You have to fall down in order to collect the Sand Blue Egg.

Egg #6: Magenta Egg
This Egg is pretty easy to find. Go to the House which is behind the spawn area.

You will find the Magenta Egg chilling inside the House.

Egg #7: New Yeller Egg
Go straight from the spawn area and then move towards the left to get to the location shown in the image below. You will find the New Yeller Egg hiding on a little platform below. Get down to this platform and collect the Egg.

Egg #8: Dark Nougat Egg
To get this Egg, move in a straight direction towards little right from the spawn area to reach the area below with wooden fences. The Dark Nougat Egg is found in this area as shown in the image below.

Egg #9: Medium Brown Egg
In order to get this Egg, you will need to do a bit of climbing. Use the ladder to climb up the first tree. After that, jump across the other trees to reach the location marked in the image below.

Once you get there, you will be able to see the Medium Brown Egg to the left of the ladder.

Egg #10: Lapis Egg
This Egg is hidden in a pretty secret location. First make your way into the Cave. You can reach the Cave Entrance by walking on the edges (although be a bit careful or you might fall down and have to climb up again).

Once you go inside the Cave Entrance, move forward and fall down in the hole. You will be teleported to the inside of the Cave. You will notice a Bridge in front of you, go down to the left side of the Bridge. Once there, go to the location circled in the image below.

There is an area hidden behind this Waterfall. Go through the hidden wall to reach that area.

After you go inside the hidden wall, move forward a little bit and you will find the Lapis Egg to your left.

Egg #11: Smoky Grey Egg
This Egg is located inside the Altar Room. To reach the Altar Room, you need to go through the Obby shown below. This Obby is located inside the Cave near the Waterfall which led to the hidden area of the previous Egg.

Once you reach the last platform, jump to the left. There is a hidden wall which leads to the Altar Room. The hidden wall is shown in the image below. Go in the direction where the arrow points.

Go straight in the Altar Room and you will find the Smoky Grey Egg at the edge of the room as shown below.

Egg #12: Bright Bluish Green Egg
To get this Egg, you need to cross the Bridge that you find directly in front of you when you teleport to the Cave. The only problem is that the Bridge starts to break as soon as you walk on it. So you will have to be very quick to reach the other side. If you fail, rejoin the server and the Bridge will be fixed again.

Once you cross the Bridge successfully, go towards the path at the right. You will find the Bright Blush Green Egg at the end of this path.

Egg #13: Maroon Egg
Getting this Egg is a bit tricky as you need to reach the room where you can Craft Potions. The same room where the NPC Stella is also found. To get to this area, go towards the left of the Bridge and climb up using the platforms.

Once you get up, move to the area shown in the image below.

Again climb up using the platforms in the area shown below.

As you reach the top, the room that you need to go to is visible. Make your way towards it.

There is a Yellow Pool inside this room where the Maroon Egg is located. The Egg can be found inside the pool in the corner pointed by the arrow in the image below. The Egg is not visible but it is there and you will hear a sound when you collect it.

Egg #14: Lilac Egg
In the same room as the previous Egg, you will find a tent-like structure besides Stella. Go inside this structure.

The Lilac Egg is found inside it.

Egg #15: Really Black Egg
For the last egg, move to the structure circled in the image below. This structure is located near the Obby which leads to the Altar Room.

Go around this Structure and climb up.

You will find the Really Black Egg once you climb up as shown below. The area is very dark so it might be a bit hard to spot. Use the image below for guidance.

Congratulations on getting all the Eggs. In case you missed an Egg, you can click on the Eggs found icon which is located at the left side of your screen.

Once you confirm you have all the Eggs, you need to go back to Lime and interact with her to mark this quest completed. But you will not get the Star Egg right now as it is currently unavailable.

Note: As soon as the Star Egg becomes available, you can collect it as you pre-completed the quest. When it is available, simply click on the Eggs found icon and then click on Claim Egg button located at the top of the menu.
And this marks the end of this Star Egg guide. If you wish, you can now go after the 2nd Egg of this 2024 Egg Hunt event called the Lock Egg. If you decide to do so, then check this guide for help: How To Get Lock Egg.