With the upcoming seasonal update of Soul Knight Prequel, some mechanics in the game are going to receive some significant changes and optimizations. This article will briefly go through each of the new features and quality of life changes that the developers announced in one of their recent announcements!
Season 1 Mechanics & Optimizations Guide
First of all, one massive change is that the Weathered Hephaestite and Volcanic Hephaestite ores are going to swap functions.
This means that Volcanic ore will now be used for resetting the stats and affixes of equipment, while Weathered Hephaestite is going to be used for changing Fatebounds. The gold cost of doing both will also be significantly reduced.
Because of this, you are likely going to need to do even more ore farming with your seasonal character, as rerolling your gear will be more difficulty.
With that said, you are now going to be given the option of rejecting affixes upon resetting your gear, allowing you to keep your previous one and roll for a different outcome.

Fatebound Changes
On the topic of Fatebounds, the developers are also changing how rerolling for them works once the season begins.
Basically, you will be rolling from a pool of Fatebounds. If you choose to reject the outcome, it will be removed from the possible choices until you have exhausted the entire pool, guaranteeing that you get your desired one eventually.

Drop Rate Improvements
The drop rates of ores have also been improved by a significant amount. Specifically, the values have gone up as follows:
- Lydite – From 25% to 40%
- Weathered Hephaestite – From 17% to 30%
- Volcanic Hephaestite – From 8% to 20%
The drop rate of cards with blue and purple rarity have also gone up.

Valkyrie Changes & More
Valkyrie challenges have also received a reworked reward scheme, giving players more opportunities to farm for materials that they need.
You can also now use Resurrection Coins in order to skip floors of the Valkyrie Trial Challenge, which will likely change how hard or easy it can be to reach the Carnelian rank.
There will also be a new feature that will allow you to instantly put most of your resources into your storage with a single press of a button.
The recent update video also revealed one of the new classes, which is supposedly called the Beetle Warrior, though very little information about it has been shared so far.

And that is pretty much all of the confirmed new additions coming to the game in the upcoming seasonal update in Soul Knight Prequel. Keep an eye out for announcements by the developers, as the new season will be up soon!
ALSO READ: Soul Knight Prequel: Complete New Season Info & Leaks