When you’re enjoying a great game like Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, it’s so easy to miss some of the collectibles. Fortunately, the game does track the number of collectibles each map contains, making it easier for you to be sure that you’ve 100% explored the area. That said, it’s no easy feat to find them and if you hate losing so much time going around the same area again and again, it’s always better to use a guide.
I’ve got your back. This guide covers all 13 collectibles and how to reach them. And as usual, you always want to already have all the necessary abilities unlocked to make your exploration here less of a pain, like grappling. Much like how you need to jump dash to be able to reach the Singing Ruins for the collectibles there as well.
All Fort Kah’lin Collectible Locations
There are 13 collectibles in the fort: 5 databanks, 1 treasure, 3 seed pods, 3 chests, and 1 force essense.
Starting from the Meditation Point, look to the east where there’s a small tent with a databank inside. Just outside the tent, you’ll see a grappling hook, so grapple up there.

Once up, take the left way out which will lead to another tower with a locked door. You can jump to the side and enter this tower, then open the locked door for shortcut. Keep going.

You’ll see this area with a shiny indicator on top. When you step close enough, the trap door will open and drop you down onto a monster you have to beat. Once you’re done with that, this small cave has two collectibles: one treasure in the form of a Priorite shard on the left side of the wall, and a chest on the other side of the wall in a slightly darker area.

Now go back to the place where you got the first databank and instead of grappling up, you turn right. Keep going until the end of the road and in front of the door is another collectible.

The sense echo is hard to miss. And you’re done with this side of the map.

You can warp or run back to the Meditation Point and in another hut nearby, there’s another databank you can scan. After scanning, keep running to this train and enter the right side. You’ll see a chest up the small staircase and that’s it for this place.

The road slightly ascends here and you’ll see a space you can squeeze through from the train. Go through there and then take the left way out. Keep running straight until you reach a grapple spot and jump up. Enter the building there through the small gap.

The chest is locked behind the door here and you’ll see this guy here. You need to talk to him, then brainwash him so you can get him to open the door. Pick Untrustworthy option when it’s available. You can then access the chest.

When you leave the building, look to your left and you’ll see this tower over here. Right inside here are two scannable objects, so that makes it two more databanks.

Then keep running through the bridge here and you’ll end up at a platform where another collectible can be found on this map. Now all that’s left are the seed pods, which is in bushy area right next to you. You’ll see the ledges that you can jump down from, then climb the vine wall before you can drop down safely.

They can be slightly hard to spot, but there are green lights floating around the area where you can collect the seed. You’ll get a total of three Goldenlight Moss seeds. One is in the middle of the area.

Another will be in the shape of a taller bush near the wall. And then not far from here, drop down the ledge on the riverbank, there’s another bush with the same tall shape. Again, all of them have floating green orbs. And you’ve got all your 13 collectibles!

And that’s all for Fort Kah’lin!
ALSO READ: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – Path of Persistence Puzzle Guide