One of the best things about Roblox is the fact that you can pretty much create any experience you want. If you’re passionate and committed to your vision, you can make any game you like. This is pretty much how a talented dev team managed to make one of the best Pokémon experiences on Roblox with Tales of Tanorio. In this guide, I’m going to teach you guys how to get to Everlush Town, which has some player stumped.
How To Get To Everlush Town
The thing is, the game has so many different towns and routes that it’s kind of odd why we would narrow down Everlush Town as a specific problem to solve. Since I’ve already been through this, I’ll try my best to explain as much as I can.
By the way, wanna catch’em all? Here’s a guide to catching all Tanorians!
When you first get to Kaigan Canyon headed to Everlush Town — the one connecting to Route 5 — you’re going to find yourself blocked by a giant boulder. Yeah, it’s a little strange but it is what it is. Of course, since I’ve already removed the obstacle it’s no longer there. Still, I’m going to do my best to draw up an accurate rendition:

Considering that the angry boulder is in the way, most gamers figure that the best thing to do is to look for a little detour. After all, if you can’t keep going straight, then you should look for other paths, right? That’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Pretty close to this area is a detour to the left that will lead you down a canyon path. The road ahead is pretty straightforward, and you’ll come across an NPC trainer along the way. Keep in mind they’ll challenge you to a duel if they see you! Beat his Tanorians up and keep going until you come across a cave entrance.

From here, you’ll end up in the Mines. While it seems as though the path wants you to head to the right, you’re instead going to take the left path, which is right here:

This one is a little difficult to see, which is partly why so many people get stumped. It’s not easy to see this path unless you’re really looking around. Fortunately, once you’ve taken this path there are no branching routes.
Heading further down to the Depths
This pretty much means you can keep going through the path until you reach yet another entrance. Upon heading deeper into the Mines, the game will tell you’ve just reached the Mine Depths. Keep heading down the path (still no branching routes around here), and you’ll eventually reach your destination.

Oh, before I forget, keep in mind that you will likely face random encounters in this area. If you don’t want to have to bother with constantly facing wild Tanorians, it would be a good idea to have some items to help you out, such as Strong Repel. This item allows you take 200 steps without having to deal with any encounters along the way.
Once you’ve gone down the path, you’ll find yourself in what I can only describe as the Heart of the Mines. There’s a very distinct mural here, and you’ll come across one of the game’s numerous cutscenes.
Personally, I think it’s quite neat that the dev team took the time to craft these cutscenes to help players really get immersed into the story. We even have a complete Tales of Tanorio Rupture guide if you’re interested!

In any case, once you’ve gone through the cutscene, all you have to do is head back out and you’ll find that the boulder is gone! You can just refer to the image above, except without my drawing. Or you can imagine the boulder with X marks for eyes — whatever strikes your fancy.
Making the trip to Route 5
In any case, with the boulder out of the way, you’re free to proceed. There are going to be many trainers lining the path, and remember: much like in any other Pokémon game, meeting their gaze means a duel. Since you’re looking to be the very best that no one ever was (at least I hope you are), you can challenge all of them. Make sure you learn how to EV train your Tanorians!
That said, if you’re only interested in getting to Everlush Town, you can also sneak behind them so they don’t see you and initiate a duel. The goal is to reach Route 5, which should be pretty easy because there are no alternate paths.

Once you’ve entered Route 5, you’re pretty much in the home stretch. It won’t take much longer for you to reach your destination, but as always, there are going to be trainers in the way. The good news about games such as Tales of Tanorio is that the devs don’t make it too difficult for you to get lost.
SIDE NOTE: There’s a new Tales of Tanorio Update coming! Why don’t you check out what’s new?
In areas such as Route 5, you only need to keep moving forward. So long as there’s a path that continues to take you forward, keep going. Eventually, you’ll reach your destination:

Oh also, if you’re interested: There’s a huge ongoing event in Roblox called The Hunt. Get information concerning the Hunt Final leaks and badge info here!