When you’re all caught up with Tears of the Kingdom’s main story and want to take a break, one of the things you usually start doing would be the side quests. That or you go cave exploring again since there’s plenty of them to go about throughout Hyrule.
A third option would be collecting Bubbul Frogs. Well, the gems they possess to be exact. Frankly, there’s plenty of them scattered around. Getting them can either be very easy, or mind numbingly painful. This guide will remove that pain so go ahead and give it a read while you’re at the Floria River!
Floria River Upstream Excavation Bubbul Frog Location
The excavation site where the Bubbul Frog is can be found north of Pagos Woods. The closest shrines you can use to get to the entrance would be the Utsusok Shrine to the south, or the Utojis Shrine to the north which is slightly further.

You’re looking for a hole near the edge of the river. To cut the hole searching part short, you can use these coordinates instead (0818, 2999, 0012).

There’s no other room to explore inside of the excavation site except for the one beyond the barred gate where the chest and Bubbul Frog is. The only room here is the puzzle room where you have to work with the Zonai Devices lying around.

To unlock the door, you’ll need to make use of the stake on the shelf and two of the boxes next to the power cell. Take the stake and plant it into the wall just like in the photo below.

Now use the force once more and place the boxes on top of the stake. Make sure that the second box is actually connected to the wiring attached to the wall. Do that, and electricity will flow towards the door, therefore unlocking it.

You can skip the chest for now and head right. This goes deeper into the excavation site, at the end will be the Bubbul Frog latched on to the wall. All you have to do next is give it a good smacking.

ALSO READ: Tears of the Kingdom: Shock Emitter, Light, Steering Stick & Homing Cart Location