Cave exploring is fun, you’ll never know what you can expect from each journey you make. You either get enemies, treasure, or more Bubbul Frogs. We’re talking about Tears of the Kingdom by the way, real caves are terrifying to be in if you don’t know what you’re doing.
You want to be in and out of these caves as fast as you can if your only mission is to find the Bubbul Frogs. That’s exactly what we’re here for, so pack your things along with this guide. We have another cave to visit!
Rauru Hillside Cave Bubbul Frog Location
The Rauru Hillside Cave can be found southwest of the Military Training Camp. The cave entrance can be found with these coordinates (0678, 1394, 0048). You have the Ekochiu Shrine to your east and the Sepapa Shrine to your west to teleport too if you’re in a far-off place. Bring some bomb flowers or other explosive devices with you as the frog is hiding behind some breakable rocks.

When you get to the entrance, go further into the cave. Make a right turn when you get the opportunity to do so, take it as that’s where the frog is located.

Do a little bit of walking and you’ll end up in front of some breakable rocks. Pull out a bomb flower or a Cannon if you have one to easily get rid of this obstruction. With the rocks out of the way, grab on to the cave walls Genshin Impact style and go inside of the orifice you just created.

The Bubbul Frog will be waiting inside. His position may vary but he’ll be there waiting to get a good thwacking. If you’re looking for a cave that offers a bit of a challenge to read through, why not try visiting Mount Floria?

ALSO READ: Tears of the Kingdom: Yiga Clan Maritta Branch Cave Bubbul Frog Location