Beastmaster of Nar Shaddaa is a type of achievement that you can unlock by killing certain kinds of enemies. They will be pretty far away from each other and it might be tricky finding them on the map as they’re not marked. Well, have no fear for we are here! In this guide, we will be showing you how to get All Empire Bestiary Lore Objects. Let’s get started.
Beastmaster of Nar Shaddaa | All Empire Bestiary Lore Objects – The Old Republic
Object 1
For obtaining this object you will simply have to defeat Gundark Lifetaker. He is a boss that you can find in the area of Dromund Kaas. This is his location:

He is not that tough so you wouldn’t have to worry at all. He is just the regular tanky type of NPC that can take a lot of damage while not doing much damage to you at all. Basic attacks and skills will do just fine to take him down.
Object 2
To get the second object you will need to defeat Elder Vrbither. First of all to be able to do this you will need to start a heroic quest. Go to this location and find the quest giver machine that will give you the quest. It will be in Nar Shaada in the Mezenti Spaceport.

Take the Heroic Quest – Hunger of the Vrbithers. This will teleport you to where he will be at. Just go through the main door and look for him in the water area inside the big central room. This is where you’ll find him.

There will be multiple enemies that you’ll need to deal with but they are fairly easy. Just focus on the small ones at first and then you’ll have your hands untied to deal with the big Vrbither. Once he’s down you’ll get the Lore Object.
Congratulations on getting both of the Lore Objects! We hope that this guide was helpful.