
The Potion Seller Quest Guide in No Rest For The Wicked

Let’s give the potion seller what he needs to make the perfect potion!

A newly released action role playing game recently hit the markets and people are loving it. In this game, No Rest For The Wicked, players are assigned the role of an honorable holy warrior that saves the island of Isola Sacra from a deadly plagued that hits the streets called the Pestilence. If you’re stuck on one of the quests called The Potion Seller Quest and need a detailed guide on how to get past it, we can help you. That is what this article will be about so stick around. 

The Potion Seller Quest Guide

The “Potion Seller” quest requires a bit of traveling. The aim is to find a flower and bring it to a certain potion seller. Try following along the directions and finding your path should be easy.

Here’s where to go to find your quest and activate it. The location of the quest is marked on the map below:

potion seller quest on the map in No Rest For The Wicked.

Let’s start off from where the beginning of the cave is. The goal is to find the flower that the quests request us to do, so we’re going to do that first.

SIDE NOTE: Interested in buying your first house? Here’s a detailed guide on how you can do just that!

Finding the flower & bringing it to the Potion Seller

cave in No Rest For The Wicked.

When you’re at the entrance of the cave, head right and jump down from the vines on the walls. Then, hop to the other side of the cliff.

path in No Rest For The Wicked.

Keep heading right and then walk up the wooden bridge. Then, jump across the bridge to the vines on the wall that’s to the left

path to flower in No Rest For The Wicked.

Go straight and you should see a ladder. Walk up that ladder. Then, follow the narrow path all away around to the left side of the cliff.

path to flower in No Rest For The Wicked.

When you reach a corner, drop down to a ledge underneath. This isn’t too far of a jump, so don’t worry. And then, form the ledge jump onto the vines on the wall adjacent to it on the left side.

path to flower in No Rest For The Wicked.

Climb all the way to the other side until there aren’t any vines to climb that go more left. After that, climb up and jump onto the ridge. Then, from there, start heading right then down and then turn right onto a pathway that leads to the top. 

path to flower in No Rest For The Wicked.

When you go up, you should see a Cerim Whisper to your left, so don’t forget to interact with the Cerim Whisper to save progress. When you progress ahead, just over the ledge, you should see your flower by overlooking it from above.

flower in No Rest For The Wicked.

So, go ahead and touch the flower. Once you touch the flower, it should open up a bunch of new paths for you to walk on. 

Now, it’s time to head back down from where you walked up. Keep going down and you should see a little drop down so drop yourself onto it and then drop again onto the ground. 

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

A little to the bottom left, cross a crystal made pathway. 

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Climb onto the wooden planked bridge and then cross another crystal pathway and another plank bridge until you reach the other side onto the mountain again. You should be exiting on the right side

Straight ahead to the top should be another vine on the wall. Climb it, go to the top and jump onto the right side of the ledge.

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Then, proceed to go down and fight any enemies who’re attacking you before you head back to the quest at hand. You can also ignore them and walk away if defeating them doesn’t feel like a priority for you at the moment. 

Keep going left and jump over the gap between the mountains. From there, turn a little left and top left.

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

When you think you’re at the corner of a ledge, you’re actually not. If you look carefully, you should see a translucent platform forming for you to walk just at the edge of the ledge where the floor ends. The platform will keep materializing underneath you as you go, so don’t worry about falling and just keep walking. 

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Go a little left and then in the top left direction. At the end, you should see vines for you to climb onto, so go ahead and do that. Then, climb and back onto a platform where you’ll be surprised by two more enemies. Fight them off and then proceed. You can also bait them into falling off making it much faster to get rid of them. 

When you’re done with those guys, you should see another path that is attached to a lone tall rock. Follow the path and climb on the rocky platform.

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Don’t fret, you’re not stuck on this rock and no, it isn’t a dead end. There should be another crystal platform to the right side of the rock, but it is not directly attached to the mountain platform. So, watch out to avoid falling and instead jump to the other side. 

Continue following the path that crystal platform takes you to. But another thing to be cautious about is while you’re walking your way to the other side, there is an enemy throwing fire spells at you. 

SIDE NOTE: Why not check out our dedicated guide on the best tips and tricks for beginners in No Rest for the Wicked? There are some stuffs that you might not yet know, so make to give it a read!

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Keep running forward evading any attacks (while also being careful enough to jump over any gaps to avoid falling. Don’t slow down or you’ll die from the fire attacks. 

When you get off of the platform, you’ll be exiting on the top side. Climb onto the mountain again and keep heading straight upwards, and then take a left turn

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Then go down, left again and jump onto the crystal platform that will lead you to the other side of the mountain. 

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Jump back onto the mountains and you’ll see, splattered all over the ground, what looks like a murder scene. 

bloody ground in No Rest For The Wicked.

You’ll even see a dead body on the corner top. Then, go left and into the narrow path that leads you to the other side shown in the image below.

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

When you reach the other side, you’ll see a waterfall. Time to take a leap of faith and jump into the water below the water fall.

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

Swim down and climb back onto the ground. Keep going down until you’ll see another bridge made of plank. The path will be blocked by a ladder, so just cut down the ladder and then climb down. And turn left then up. 

path to potion seller in No Rest For The Wicked.

At this point, you should see a quaint little campfire with the potion seller standing in the entrance. All you have to do is talk to the potion seller and that is all. Your quest is complete!

You finally completed one of the most adventurous quests of the game and we hope you enjoyed the experience. If you play this game often, you might need some more resources and copper is one of those essential resources you’ve just got to have. If you don’t know where to look, we’ve got just the thing for you. Here’s a guide for 12 Copper Ore Node Locations in No Rest For The Wicked!


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