Spectre Divide is quite different when it comes to the standard tactical shooters that we are used to. Alongside the Duality mechanic, you are able to do a lot of sneaky and creative plays. However, since this is such a new concept, many players are still not used to it.
So, in this guide, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks that you can use to take your play to the next level. In this way, you will be able to utilize your spectre and frag out! Without further delay, let’s dive in.
Tips & Tricks To Know Before Playing
We’ll be providing you with 11 tips and tricks that will help you get better at the game. Keep in mind that the game is still relatively new, so there is still a lot to discover.
If there is a specific aspect of Spectre Divide you are struggling with, feel free to use the Table of Contents to see the relevant tips.
Spectre Placement
In other tactical shooters, you typically rush ahead so that you can position yourself properly before the round starts. However, in Spectre Divide, you have two bodies that you need to deal with.
As a result, you will also need to position your spectre.
If you open up your mini map, you can actually position both your bodies. Left click allows you to place your main body while right click allows you to place your spectre anywhere you want.
Additionally, you can also hold left click or right click while placing to rotate the position of the body. This way you can even dictate where you’ll be facing when you switch bodies.
If you end up positioning these bodies in the wrong positions, you can use the switch key bind to actually switch the positions of your main body and spectre before the round starts as well.

Buy Menu
The buy menu in Spectre Divide can be a bit overwhelming for new players. This is because you can actually purchase double combinations of weapons. The reason for this is that you have two bodies to account for in the game.
So, in this way, you can get weapons for both your bodies.
You can also buy weapons for friends here. For example, let’s say your friend bought one weapon but can’t purchase a weapon for the other body. You can actually buy the other half for them and then they can buy the other half for you.
Keep in mind that you always need to fulfill both weapon loadouts for your bodies.

Spectre Utilization
This next tip relates to taking full advantage of your spectres. Since you have two bodies, it doesn’t make sense if you just stack all of them towards the same position, especially when you are defending.
So, try to place spectres in different positions. For example, you can place a spectre on A site while the other at mid lane. In this way, you can monitor both positions and defend them.
You may be wondering that this strategy is risky as an enemy might be able to get to the inactive spectre. However, every spectre has an alarm system. So, as long as an enemy isn’t slow walking, you will be notified that they are nearby.
As a result, you can switch to the other spectre and combat the threat. You can even catch them out if they are trying to sneak by.

Spectre Mobility
Playing multiple positions in Spectre Divide is certainly strong. However, there are a lot more positions you can take advantage of than you think.
There are some positions that you cannot jump to but can only be accessed by a second spectre. You can get to those positions by throwing your spectre puck there.
In this way, you can get access to unique positions and angles that will give you an edge over your opponents. You can use these to even trick enemies, as they won’t expect you to be there.
Besides that, you can also use your spectres as a mobility tool. For example, if you’re on a ledge, and you jump down, this will make noise that can alert enemies. Instead, you can throw the specter puck down and silent teleport to it.
But be careful of recall lines. Every time you throw a puck and teleport to it, there will be a trail that enemies can see. So, they will know that you are rotating.
However, if the puck is nearby then this should not be an issue.

Stay On The Move
This tip may seem obvious but it also applies to both your spectres. This means that when you are moving around in a match, you make sure that both the bodies are on the move.
If you end up getting a site, you want to ensure that both the bodies are nearby. If you leave the other body sitting across the map, you are basically wasting it. By the time you bring this body along, the enemies will have diffused the bomb already.
So, as you commit to a push, try to bring both your bodies along but from different positions. This will help you in combat as well and allow you to challenge angles with both of your spectres.
For example, if you’re pinned heavily in a position, you can use the other spectre from another angle to help you. This also applies to defense, where you should challenge the attackers with both your spectres.
In this way, you will be able to make the most of both your spectres.
Before you apply this tip though, be careful when you’re moving bodies. You don’t want to die before your body finishes its recall line, otherwise your body will be stuck in its original position.

Fast Recalls
Another tip we strongly suggest considering is using fast recall zones. These zones are indicated by green lines that you can also see on your mini map.
You can put your spectre pucks on them and you’ll actually be able to recall your spectres much faster than normal. This is a really good tool for rotating, especially if there is a green zone in a mid way position on the map.
You can use it in situations like the ones we mentioned in the previous tip. When you’re committing to a push or defending a site, you can use these zones to quickly recall your spectre.
There is a Sponsor called Muu Robotics that has an ability called Hyper Drome. This allows you to create a permanent Fast Recall Zone. You can use this ability to recall all your teammates which helps in rotations.
Check out how this sponsor compares with the rest in our best sponsors tier list. We also go through all the spectre abilities and how they rank, which is incidentally related to our next tip!

Spectre Abilities
Sponsors are an essential part of the gameplay as they provide your spectres with various abilities. There are 8 sponsors currently in the game, providing you with abilities, equipment and utilities.
Quite a few of these abilities allow you to use your spectre in really creative ways, as we saw with Muu Robotics previously.
The Adrena-Link stim from Pinnacle International can allow you to heal yourself. But while healing, you can actually switch to your other spectre, giving the buff to it as well. So you can do this combination as a mobility tool which is really useful.
Similarly, Morgen United provides the Smoke Shift ability which allows you to instantly teleport your spectre in the smoke. This can help in situations where you can’t throw your spectre puck.
So, be sure to check out all the abilities sponsors provide so you can take full advantage of them for your spectres.

Weapon Accuracy
Weapon accuracy works really differently in Spectre Divide compared to other tactical shooters like Counter Strike and Valorant. You should take full advantage of it, especially with many players still not used to it.
For starters, the game does not penalize your accuracy when you are moving. You are fully accurate when on the move. Additionally, you get 100% accuracy when you are shooting in ADS mode.
So, if you learn the spray patterns, you’ll become incredibly strong at the game.
There are two exceptions to these rules though which are the snipers: Prototype-OP and Harpe. These weapons do require you to be standing still for 100% accuracy. But that does make sense since they are so strong.

Spectre Plant And Defuse
This is a short tip that we recommend you use when the situation calls for it. Typically, when you’re planting or defusing, you’ll have to do it yourself leaving you vulnerable.
However, you can actually do this with your second body if it is nearby. Start by teleporting or bringing your second body to the plant or defuse site. After that, start planting or defusing with the body.
During this process, you can switch back to your body and your spectre will finish planting or defusing for you as long as it doesn’t die. In this way, you can cover your own position and body who is planting or defusing.
This is really helpful in clutch situations where you’re the only one alive but have two bodies. You’ll be able to fight off the enemy in this way while planting, giving you a better chance of winning.

Use The Minimap
Quite a few players don’t realize that the minimap in Spectre Divide can actually be really useful for information about what other players are doing. In many situations, you can see abilities being on this mini map.
Depending on the ability, you can also see where it comes from. For example, Vector Dynamics has a wall ability that you shoot out. You can even see the wall moving on the minimap, which can help you pinpoint where the enemy used it from.
Additionally, the minimap also helps you determine where your own abilities will go. This is useful if you’re throwing a grenade, as you can see exactly where it will land on the map.
So, if there’s a very specific spot you want to throw something, the minimap will help you adjust your trajectory.

Use The Practice Range
If you’re just starting out, you’ll find most of the guns a bit uncomfortable to use as each has its own spray pattern. This is where we recommend you take advantage of the practice range.
You can practice your shooting here, test damage profiles and even warm up before proper matches. This will help you improve your aim.
And don’t forget, the practice range has a whole other half at the back for practicing different angles.

That’s everything you need to know for the tips and tricks before playing Spectre Divide. We strongly recommend you utilize these tips as they’ll give you an edge in fights. Since the game is in its early stage, you’ll benefit a lot from them.
If you’re wondering which weapons you should use in Spectre Divide, we have you covered. Our best weapons tier list will show you all the info you need about which weapons to use.