As we all know Torchlight Infinite is a hack and slash action role-playing game set in a fantasy setting with magical spells, monsters and dungeons of full loot. If you’re that type of gamer who likes to grind a lot and make your hero stronger, then this game is just for you. Upcoming updates for new characters and skills, new maps to discover and bosses to encounter, and now that this new season is coming let us introduce to you Torchlight Infinite: Blacksail.
Blacksail: The Void Sea

The catch to this new content in Torchlight Infinite Blacksail will be the Void Sea storyline where the players will have a chance to earn loot drops with special Void Sea Night Flame, when defeating monsters in the Netherrealm map.
After you beat the stage’s final boss, a Void Sea Seal device will instantly drop and you can use the Void Sea Night Flame to break the seal and unlock a Seal Whisper.

Break those 6 seals and you will be able to visit the Void Sea End Port to challenge and defeat the Bride of Void Sea and steal her treasure. Defeating her may also give you a Void Sea invitation which is needed in order to challenge the season’s ultimate boss which is the Lord of Void Sea whose packing a lot of Legendary loot and items for you take and own if you can beat him
New Upcoming Heroes – Cat Eye Erika “Wind Stalker”

With Torchlight Infinite readying up for its first major update of 2023 XD Games have debuted the dungeon crawler’s new exciting hero Erika. She will join the game’s roster of playable characters when the Blacksail season goes live on January 12, 2023.
Erika is a Stalker and her homeland is called the Ichi Tribe. She is equipped with dual blades and her first Hero Trait is called Wind Stalker which specializes in rapid movement that allows her to swiftly weave between enemies before delivering a devastating killing blow.
You might be wondering how to get Erika in this game. Well, you can get the new hero Cateye Erika if you purchase the Season Pass, which will be unlocked at Level 1. Although in the next season, you can purchase this new hero directly using the Primocryst. In the coming season after that, you can redeem her using Hero Emblem, which can be acquired freely through in-game activities.
Season 2 Blacksail New Skills

There’s actually five new skills in Torchlight Infinite Blacksail, the first one would be the Thunder Slash. It attacks enemies in front in Slash Strike form dealing Lightning Damage and during Multistrike, each strike of this skill will increase the skill’s attack speed.
The next one would be the Blazing Bullet. This attack fires a Fire Projectile that penetrates enemies in front and creates Fire explosions when it penetrates enemies. The skill gains damage and effective area based on the penetrations done by the projectiles.
Next is the Howling Gale while channeling this spell creates a Gale that attacks enemies within a certain area. The more channeled stacks the faster the Gale strikes and additional bonus to cast speed also applies to its strike frequency.
Next is the Moon Strike, attack enemies in front in Slash Strike form. This skill deals additional physical damage based on the Mana Cost. Spell Damage bonus and additional bonus also apply to the skill’s damage.
And for the last one which is the Haunting Abomination. This spell deals erosion damage to the targeted enemy and creates a Terra effect that follows this enemy, dealing secondary damage to the enemies within a certain Terra Area for a period of time. The value of the Secondary Damage equals a certain percentage of the first damage.
New Season, New Hero Traits

For the new Season of this game also comes with new Hero Traits, Rehan and Moto actually got two of the newest ones in the game. Rehan will be the first one to get Raging Phantom which will let Rehan the Berserker unite with an ancestor spirit that will attack enemies with Rehan’s own skills. It’s like an instant backup.
While Moto gets Charge Calling, which will let him use synthetic troops in a new way, by activating their self-destruct sequence and ordering them into the enemies. Once the troops are near those enemies they’ll explode.
PC/Steam: Controller Support for Blacksail

Torchlight Infinite has big news for Season 2 coming up the game will be getting PC controller support as this one feature add in a sea of changes coming with the Season 2 update and it’s actually one of the things we wish that should have happened sooner because it’ll open up the game to being easier to play on Steam Deck. The game is already listed with a playable tag but without PC controller support the controls may not feel fluid as one might hope.
Steam has a baked in control mapper that lets you map any keyboard or mouse presses to your favorite controllers and here’s how to use it. First you will need to Launch Steam and then go to Settings and Click on Controller, easy right? Here you can make configurations to either a generic setup that will work across all of your games or a game-specific setup that will only initiate when you’re playing that specific game on Steam.
You will also have to configure which controllers you want this to support which currently includes Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch controllers as well as a wide variety of third party controllers.
On the other hand if you’re using a Steam Deck, this process is just quite easy. Simply load up the game and you can either use a pre-created community controller option (note: there might not be any available just yet given the game’s recent launch), a Steam pre-built option that you can tweak and make changes, or you can just create your own.
ALSO READ: Torchlight Infinite: Complete Endgame Guide