Vigilant Breeze is the new Hero Trait for Iris in SS7: Season of Arcana for Torchlight Infinite and one of the best leveling Heroes currently in the game.
The main thing this new Trait provides is the ability for Iris to merge with her Spirit summons. This allows her to take direct control of them, allowing for manual Spirit Skill usage. What’s more, she enters a special Vigilant state while merged. This further boosts the power of her Spirits!
In this guide, we’ll give you a rundown of a leveling build you can use for Vigilant Breeze Iris while progressing through SS7: Season of Arcana in Torchlight Infinite.
Iris Vigilant Breeze Leveling Guide | Torchlight Infinite SS7: Season of Arcana
Offensive Skills Progression

Vigilant Breeze Iris has one of the simplest Skill progressions in Torchlight Infinite SS7. She can get the “Summon Fire Magus” Skill at Level 7 and use it as her primary offensive tool all the way up to Level 60. Power this Skill up with the following Support Skills:
- Harvest Time
- Savage Growth
- Elemental Duo
- Superpower
This will result in you having your Fire Magus summons active at pretty much all times. They’ll also be using their powerful “Blazing Spin” Empower Skill often, which can absolutely shred through foes quickly. The best part is that Iris herself doesn’t even need to do much, just use your mobility to stay out of harm’s way while your Fire Magi do most of the work!
That said, you’ll want to use your “Vigilant Breeze” Trait Skill during tougher battles. It allows you to take direct control of your summoned Spirits. The main reason to do that is to use your Spirits’ Ultimate Skills.
Level 60 and Beyond

Once you reach Level 60 or so, you’ll get the “Happiest Reunion” Hero Trait. We’ll go over Hero Traits in more detail later on. At this point, you’ll want to replace “Summon Fire Magus” as your main offensive tool. Instead, use a combination of “Summon Frost Spirit” and “Summon Erosion Magus.”
For this build, you have to set “Summon Frost Spirit” as your first Active Skill and “Summon Erosion Magus” as a Passive Skill.
The main reason is that the Frost Spirits will provide you and the Erosion Magi with Max Life and Max Energy Shield regeneration, giving you a great survivability boost in the later parts of the game. The Erosion Magi, in turn, will deal massive damage.
When it comes to each Skills’ Support Skills, use the following:
- Summon Frost Spirit – Friend of Spirit Magi, Savage Growth, Quick Decision, Superpower.
- Summon Erosion Magus – Harvest Time, Savage Growth, Elemental Duo, Quick Decision.
Now, your strategy should be to merge with your Frost Spirit to enter the Vigilant state often. This will power up the Erosion Magi as well, resulting in them using their more powerful skills to shred foes. You’ll further boost this setup by picking up Nurturing Breeze at Level 75, too!
Other Skills

Aside from your primary offensive Skills, you should also use the following Skill setups:
- Dazzling Bloom – Set this as your second Skill so that you can use it while merged with a Spirit. Allows you to teleport Spirits to reposition them and change their focused target.
- Support Skills: Extended Duration, Well-Fought Battle, Cooldown Reduction.
- Machine Army – Gives your Spirits one stack of Euphoria on cast. This gives them additional Damage and Movement Speed for 6 seconds. Can stack up to 7 times.
- Support Skills: Extended Duration, Cooldown Reduction, Preparation.
- Blurry Steps – Gives you Euphoria: Movement Speed increase for 3 seconds.
- Support Skills: Preparation, Extended Duration, Well-Fought Battle
- Nourishment of Life – Casts Area of Effect buff that follows Iris and persists for 6 seconds. It gives Spirits within the range additional Growth.
- Support Skills: Preparation, Extended Duration, Cooldown Reduction.
- Weapon Amplification (Passive) – Grants you and your Spirits additional Physical Damage.
- Support Skills: Aura Amplification, Restrain.
- Spell Amplification (Passive) – Increases the damage of your Spell Skills.
- Support Skills: Aura Amplification, Restrain.
Hero Trait Selection

Since we’ve just gone over the Skills, it’s time to talk about which Hero Traits to choose during your leveling run with Vigilant Breeze Iris in Torchlight Infinite SS7: Season of Arcana. After all, we did mention some of these Traits before! Here’s what we’re using for this build:
- Level 45: Whirlwind Tango – Removes the cooldown of your Spirit Magi’s Ultimate while you’re in the merged Vigilant state. Instead, using the Ultimate will consume a percentage of Max Life. Consecutive casts of the Ultimate will also gain stacks of Breeze, powering up the next Ultimate cast.
- Level 60: Happiest Reunion – Allows you to have +1 Max Spirit Magi active on the map. Using Vigilant Breeze to merge with a Spirit Magi and enter the Vigilant state will turn all of your summoned Spirit Magi into Merged Spirit Magi. This also increases the amount of Damage dealt per Magi summoned. However, it also increases the amount of Max Life they consume when not Reconjuring.
- Level 75: Nurturing Breeze – Reduces the Damage Iris takes while in the Vigilant state. Also increases Life and Energy Shield regeneration while extending the effects to all Merged Spirit Magi. Particularly useful to extend the Frost Spirit’s regeneration bonuses to all of your summons.
Unique Equipment

When it comes to equipment, there are only two real must-haves for this Vigilant Breeze Iris leveling build in Torchlight Infinite SS7: Season of Arcana. Both of them are Uniques from Treasure Troves, as follows:
- Interlocking Soul – Can be obtained from the Treasure Trove: Sanctuary of Solitude (Lv35). Ideally, you want to get two of them for dual-wielding. They greatly boost everything related to your Spirits, especially their damage.
- Lady’s Tears – Can be obtained from the Treasure Trove: Hall of Grandiosity (Lv54). A must-have at every point, make sure to get this ASAP. It boosts the power of your Spirit Magi’s Ultimate and also increases their Life Regen while Reconjuring. Required to make the most of Whirlwind Tango.
It might be tough to get these Uniques, but at least that’s all you really need for Vigilant Breeze Iris while leveling!
Talent Trees

Last but not least, let’s go over the Talent selection you want to choose while leveling Vigilant Breeze Iris. We’ll go with God of Machines, Alchemist, and Warlock as they provide key boosts to summons like your Spirits. Here’s a quick rundown of the progression for them.
Due to the fact that most Talents don’t have unique names, we’ll simply give you images showing the finalized progression for these Talent trees. You can see the God of Machines progression above. We’ve picked “Orders” and “Mighty Guard” as our Major Talents.

For Alchemist, we’ve chosen “Source” and “Talons of Abyss.”

Lastly, we’ve picked “Indifference” and “Off the Beaten Track” in the Warlock Talent tree.
So, there you have it, that’s the recommended Talent selection for this Vigilant Breeze Iris leveling build. That brings us to the end of our guide, so you now have everything you need to go through the campaign!
Ultimately, Vigilant Breeze Iris has an extremely simple leveling progression and playstyle in Torchlight Infinite, which is a reason we ranked her high on our tier list of best SS7: Season of Arcana starters!