Jagged Primocrysts, also known as just Primos, are a limited free currency you can spend for a lot of useful boons in Torchlight Infinite SS7.
That said, with so many options, it can be hard to know what’s the best use for them. This is especially true if you’re a new player, but even some veterans might be a bit confused at the start of the new Season of Arcana!
In this guide, we’ll give you our recommendations on where and what to speed your Jagged Primocrysts in Torchlight Infinite SS7.
Where to Spend Jagged Primocrysts | Torchlight Infinite SS7: Season of Arcana

The first and most important way to spend your Jagged Primocrysts early in Torchlight Infinite, be it in SS7 or any other season, is in your inventory space. You can get 4 more slots in your Inventory for a fee of Jagged Primocrysts by clicking on the “+” sign slot at the very bottom. This carries across all of your characters in all seasons, too!
Now, we recommend prioritizing the Inventory stabs in this order when it comes to expansion:
- Gear – Allows you to carry more equipment, so it’s by far the most important one. The bigger it is, the fewer breaks you’ll have to take when farming for Gear. This, in turn, lets you use your time more efficiently. It’s a fantastic quality of life improvement!
- Others – This is a pretty good tab to expand due to Fluorescent Memories and Compasses. You can get quite a lot of them, with each type taking up one slot per stack. This can add up quickly, so we recommend expanding the tab as it starts to fill up.
- Commodity – A solid one to expand later in the game. Certain items, like Flame Sand, can take up a lot of space if you hoard them. So, it’s a good idea to buy an expansion when your tab starts to fill up.
- Skills – Generally speaking, you should have little to no reason for expanding this tab much, if at all. If you feel like you need to do so, do it. Otherwise, you can safely ignore it.

Do note the price increases by 10 Jagged Primocrysts for each expansion. However, it caps out at 160 after the 16th increase.

Our second recommendation is similar to the first: expand your Stash. By default, your Stash has a single tab. Each tab has 35 slots of items, so having a single tab really doesn’t cut it in the long run. However, you can purchase an extra tab for 400 Jagged Primocrysts.
If you like storing a lot of loot and are already satisfied with your Inventory space, this is a solid spend option.

Our third option is one that you should only go for if you’re already satisfied with your Inventory and Stash space. Pactspirits are special pets you can use to fill out your Pact tree. You can get them through the Pactspirit Gacha, which requires Jagged Primocrysts to roll.
Pactspirits are a sort of long-term progression from your account. They aren’t reset each season and they provide a variety of boon effects that can help power you up. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to try to get the featured Pactspirit each season. But, again, that’s only if you’re satisfied with your Inventory and Stash!
So, there you have! These are the best things to spend your Jagged Primocrysts in Torchlight Infinite during SS7: Season of Arcana. Anything else we didn’t mention, such as extra Premium Booth tabs, we advise against. Simply put, they aren’t worth the cost for the benefit compared to Inventory, Stash, and Pactspirits.
Are you a new or returning Torchlight Infinite player? Can’t decide which Hero to play for SS7? Check out our tier list of the best starters for SS7: Season of Arcana!