Do you need help with getting to wave 50 in Hardcore mode in Tower Defense Simulator? No need to worry about it. In this guide, we will explain which strategies you can use to reach to the end of the Hardcore mode.
Solo Hardcore Waves 1-50 Guide
You will start the Hardcore mode with $600. Begin by placing a farm and upgrading it. One of the main things you should keep in mind that placing as many farms as you can throughout the waves. The farm will not give any additional damage to the enemies, but it will give money at the beginning of each wave. If you use it properly, it can be a huge help for you and you can get expensive towers quicker.

Waves 1 to 10
Place Scout towers before the beginning of the first wave. You should place them near the entrance for better use.

As the waves go higher, you should keep placing Scouts in the same area and also do not forget to place additional farms and upgrade your towers too.

If you do not forget to upgrade your Scouts, having three of them until wave 10 will be enough for you. When you get to wave 10, place a Mortar on the cliff near the entrance and set its target to the Strongest.
Waves 10 to 20
From the 10th wave, the game will get tougher and you will get Invisible enemies. Towers cannot attack the Invisible without using hidden detection. So make sure you upgraded all of your towers to level 3 and place an additional Scout and Mortar at the beginning of the wave.

This setup should keep you going as you upgrade your Scout towers to level 4 and Mortar towers to level 3. But at the beginning of the 20th wave, you should place a Commander.

Waves 20 to 30
You will start to see Fallen Reaper, Fallen Soul, Shadow Boss, and Fallen Rusher in the waves from 20 to 30.

Make sure to upgrade your Mortar towers to level 4 or 5 if you can. These are really powerful towers that could get rid of those enemies easily.
Waves 30 to 40
From the 30th wave, you will start to see Fallen Titan, GiantBoss, Mystery Boss, Giant Boss, Grave Digger, Lead Balloon, Lava, and Slow King. Placing an Accelerator tower at this point might be a good idea.

The Accelerator tower will help you a lot while eliminating those bosses, but it will not be enough. Place two more commenders to strengthen your defense.

At this point, you should have 3 Mortars, 3 Commanders, 4 Scouts, 1 Accelerator, and a bunch of farms. Try to add one more Mortar and Accelerator when the Grave Digger comes.

Waves 40 to 50
Waves from 40 to 50 are going to be the hardest ones as you expected. Circuit, Speedy King, Molten Titen, Molten Boss, Templar, Garden, Health Cultist, Molten Boss, Warden, Fallen Hero, Soul Stealer, Soul Boss, Necromancer Boss, Fallen Swordmaster, Fallen Guardian, Unknown, Vindicator and Void Reaver enemies will begin to spawn.

At the beginning of the 40th wave, remove two of your Scouts and add three more Accelerator towers.

After that, you can remove the remaining Scouts too, and replace them with Accelerators.

You can keep going like that until wave 46. Then, try to place as many towers as you can on empty areas because stronger bosses will begin to spawn.

Just like that, you will get to wave 50. That is all for our Solo Hardcore Waves 1-50 Guide. We hope that beats the solo hardcore waves. We gathered the information from HOW TO GET TO SOLO HARDCORE WAVE 50 | EASY GUIDE | ROBLOX Tower Defense Simulator by 5ouIs. Be sure to check it out as well!
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