There are a lot of maps that you can play in the new Tower Defense X game and all of them have different difficulty options. You can go and try the easier difficulties if you’re just new to the game or the map. If you want better rewards, you’ll want to play on the harder difficulties and they’re a real challenge. You’ll need to have a plan on how to tackle these maps in that difficulty.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can solo the Blox Out map in Expert Mode. Now, let’s see what we’ll need to do to beat this level!
How To Expert Mode Solo Triumph Guide
The Blox Out map is one of the simpler maps in the game that can get difficult with higher difficulties.
There aren’t that many bending roads to make crossfires and the mountains and hills limit the range. Here is what we’ll need to do to beat this level in Expert.
Here are the towers we’ll need to beat this map:
- John
- Farm
- Missile Trooper
- Juggernaut
- Laser Gunner
Make sure to go check out our guide on All the towers in the game if you haven’t already!
Wave 1 – 5
In the early waves of the level, you can go with just one Laser Gunner on top of the ‘hill’ next to the enemy spawn. Make sure it covers as much of the path as possible. You’ll also want to place a couple of farms to get your economy going.
Make sure to upgrade your farms to at least 2-0 and the Laser Gunner to 1-0 before wave 5 ends. You might take a bit of damage as some of the mobs get past, but it won’t be a problem.

Wave 6 – 12
Make sure to upgrade your Laser Gunner’s bottom path to at least 1, so you’ll see the hidden enemies in future waves. Upgrade it to at least 2-1 before Wave 6 ends. Meanwhile, upgrade your farms to 2-2 or as close to that as possible while adding more farms.

At around wave 8 add another Laser Gunner and make sure to at least upgrade it to 1-1. Add another Laser Gunner near the very end to take care of the stragglers as shown above, and upgrade it to 1-1.
NOTE: After Wave 10 spawns try to time skipping Wave 11-12 to get cash to buy and upgrade your towers
Wave 10 is where it gets tricky as there are going to be way more mobs for your starting two Laser Gunners to handle.
Place a Missile Trooper in the area shown below to help deal with them. Upgrade your Laser Gunner at the end to 2-2.

Wave 13 – 20
Keep adding more farms and upgrading them to at least 2-2. Do the same to your Laser Gunners making them 2-2 as well.
Upgrade the one at the back line to 2-3 as well as upgrading the Missile Trooper to 1-2.
After doing that upgrade the first two Laser Gunners to 2-3 and 3-2. Upgrade the Missile Trooper to 3-2 at around Wave 18. At this point, you should upgrade your farms to 2-3 or 2-4 and keep upgrading them to max.
Then keep upgrading your Laser Gunners to the max. Remember to sell the Missile Trooper at the back line before Wave 20.

Wave 21 – 25
At around Wave 21, place an EDJ and make sure it covers both the starting Laser Gunners. Then, upgrade the EDJ to 1-2 while you keep on upgrading it to 2-3. Keep upgrading the Laser Gunners to max.
Place a Missile Trooper next to the Laser Gunner on the hill and upgrade it to 2-3. Keep on maxing this tower with the others.

If more units are getting through at this point, place another Laser Trooper at the back line and upgrade it to 2-3. Remember to keep upgrading your farms to keep the money flowing.

Wave 26 – 29
Add another Laser Gunner near the EDJ and upgrade it to 2-5, then add another EDJ and upgrade it to 2-1 near the first one. After that, place 2 more Missile Troopers on the hill and upgrade it to 2-5.

At around Wave 28, you’ll want to place 2 Juggernauts near the EDJs. Try to upgrade both of them to 2-5.

Wave 30
This is a tough wave as a lot of enemies that can damage your towers will spawn. This wave also comes with a Miniboss, so we’ll need to put some decoy towers to keep your damaging towers safe.
Before Wave 30 starts, start placing Johns around the entrance as shown above. Meanwhile, build 2 more Juggernauts and upgrade them to 2-5 to keep the DPS going.

Wave 31 – 35
Start adding 4 Laser Gunners near the entrance and upgrade them to 2-5. Then, add a Missile Trooper on the hill and upgrade it to 2-5. Remember to keep upgrading your EDJs at this point in the level.
At around Wave 32, place 5-2 Jauggernauts on the mountain shown above then add an EDJ there to buff them. Make the EDJ 3-2 and keep upgrading it with the rest.

Wave 36 – 39
At this point, keep adding 2-5 Laser Gunners near the entrance, as well as adding more Juggernauts. If they’re far away from the path, make them 5-2 if they’re close make them 2-5.

Before Wave 40 starts, you’ll want to place Johns all over the place so that they can act as decoys for the boss as shown below.

Wave 40
Start selling all your farms quickly when the wave starts. A lot of units will die in this part so just keep on getting adding more 5-2 Juggernauts to keep the damage up. Don’t panic when your units die and keep on adding more to damage the boss.
The Johns will all die in the initial missile volleys of the boss keeping your units safe for a few seconds to deal damage.
Keep on adding Juggernauts and after a while, the boss should die in a massive explosion. Then, you can place 2-5 Laser Gunners to clean up the rest of the wave.

Now that you’re done with this mode, why not check out our guide on Tower Defense X: How To Elite Mode Solo Triumph Guide next?
That’s how you beat the Blox Out map in Expert Mode in Tower Defense X. Now, go out there and try it out yourself!
ALSO READ: Tower Defense X: How Good Is It?