All sorts of challenges await you in the new Christmas update now available on Tower Heroes. Now, Wishlist challenges require players to fulfill some requirements, and defeat a boss in exchange for some great rewards.
As a result, players have been working to complete all of these challenges. Getting the Tallest Snowman is one such Wishlist that players can try and fulfill.
The requirements for this challenge can be quite confusing as you need to complete some particular steps before proceeding with the tower defense aspect.
Not to worry, we have you covered. In this guide, we will show you how you can complete this Wishlist. Let’s dive in!
How To Get Tallest Snowman Wishlist
Starting off, before you even get into a match, you need to complete a very crucial step. You will need to equip the Wizard tower and make sure that the Snowman Skin is on him.
If you have any other skin on him, you will not be able to do the Wishlist.
If you do not have the Snowman Skin, you can obtain it by beating the Glowing Glacier on Easy Difficulty. Alternatively, you can have a teammate equip one.

After that, you will need to load into the Glowing Glacier map, ideally with a few teammates as you will find it difficult to do solo.
With teammates, you will be able to handle the Tallest Snowman boss that spawns towards the end. Only one teammate will need to equip the Snowman skin on the Wizard tower.

Once you load in, the teammate with the Snowman Wizard will need to head towards the location indicated below.

Here, you will see a bunch of Snowmen standing side by side. Between them, you will notice that there is a gap. You will need to place the Snowman Wizard in the gap between them, as indicated below.

Once the Wizard has been placed, you will see a notification on the top right, indicating that you did it properly. The Tallest Snowman Wishlist is now active!

Now, you can continue with the rest of the map like normal. Work with your teammates to destroy the waves with any Towers that suit your playstyle. After you beat Wave 25, the Tallest Snowman Boss will appear.
You will be notified of his appearance by a notification in the top right corner of your screen. He is incredibly Tanky and will have 500k health.
As a result, having teammates will ensure that you can destroy the Tallest Snowman!

Once you defeat the Tallest Snowman, you will get the Badge and Wishlist associated with the challenge.
Pretty straightforward, but very challenging considering how resilient the final boss is compared to the other Wishlists.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Tallest Snowman in Tower Heroes.Once you manage to get the Snowman Skin for Wizard, the rest of the challenge is straightforward enough.
Having a full team can make this challenge really manageable, as you will be able to take care of all the Health that the Tallest Snowman comes with when he spawns.
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