
Undawn: Treasure Maps Redwood Forest Guide

Get the maps and find the treasure.

Undawn Redwood Forest treasure maps
Undawn Redwood Forest treasure maps

There are a lot of treasures to be found in the many maps and areas that exist in Undawn. Just in Redwood Forest alone, you can find 16 Treasure Maps, all of them containing really useful loot. But they are also reward from NPCs spread across the map and can be in areas hard to recognize.

Keep reading and we’ll show you how to trigger the missions, get the maps, and find the treasure.

Treasure Maps Redwood Forest Guide

The first treasure map is a reward from giving this Adult Scavenger some boiled egg. You can find him on the sidewalk near Keller’s Homestead. After talking to him, you’ll realize he needs to food and as a reward, he’ll give you Treasure Map: Brothers Grimm.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Read the map and you’ll be shown a hint of the view of some houses near the digging site. Go to Laketown in Redwood Forest and there’s a small island behind the town. Near what looks like a pile of trash, you’ll get a prompt to dig.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The second treasure map is just south from here, near the Garrison Distillery. Around this spot, you’ll see a dead body on a sitting position. When you search the body, you’ll find another map for the Toll Station.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Southwest from the Redwood Outpost is the Toll Station meant in this map. Go through the gate next to the post and right on the spot indicated below is another treasure to dig up.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The hunt continues for the third treasure map, which you can get from this Sick Scavenger. You can find him before the bridge near the Blackberry Signal Tower, in need of an Antibody. In return, he’ll give you the Treasure Map: Gas Stop.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

To find the treasure, the gas stop mentioned in the map is the one near Swan Lake West Shore. Go around the gas stop and then you’ll see these stacks of wheels to your right. The digging spot is right in front of them.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The fourth treasure map is inside a safe in a house in Laketown. The safe is inside the black roof house next to the road with light turquoise wallpaper inside. You’ll find the safe inside the bedroom near the dresser. And it has the Treasure Map: Sealike Lake.

To unlock the safe, you’ll have to pay attention to the clicking noise while turning. The password we got was 33-34-35. Note that this map and the fifth map are really near, so you might want to read that first to snag the map before leaving this place!

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Not far from the house, to the left of Swan Lake North Shore, is the location that the map showed. The digging spot is near the water overlooking the stunning view of the mountain before you.

The fifth treasure map is still in Laketown, in the house that’s built overlooking the lake behind the town. Enter the house and immediately look to your left. The stack of books on the couch can be interacted for another Treasure Map: A Loser’s Ambition.

The dig site is to the northwest of this town. From Ross Chemicals, look to the west for this swamp then head to the small island in the middle. That’s where you’ll find a red toy car that indicates the location of the dig site.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

And for the sixth treasure map, you can find it locked away in a safe. The safe is in a house south from Keller’s Homestead, you can see the exact spot below. It’s next to the damaged cabinet in the corner to your left when you enter the house.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The safe works similarly to the one in Laketown and the password that we got was 12-52-32. Unlocking this will get you Waterside Under the Bridge treasure map.

The location meant in the map is this bridge to the north of the Shooting Range. Drop down from the bridge on the north side, then find a long log that’s partly dunked in the river. You’ll find a dig site there on the rock. Why can you dig on the rock? Nobody knows.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Again, near Laketown is another treasure map. The seventh treasure map is in one of the resort-looking cabins. Go all the way to the porch behind the house that overlooks the water. There’s an isolated backpack on one of the chairs you can search. Get your Treasure Map: Keller’s Homestead.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Go to Keller’s Homestead, but no need to go too deep. You do need to clean up the horde of zombies that’s gathering in the open area. But if you’re not up to kill the boss, you can safely ignore him. Right on the location indicated below, under the porch of the house, is the dig site.

The eighth treasure map is to the north of Laketown. There’s a lonesome dead body leaning on white bark trees before the bridge. Search the body for the Treasure Map: Crushed Barrel.

The location is to the west of Keller’s Homestead, an off-road location by the river shown below. You will spot, as you can guess, barrels and a broken boat. The dig site is right next to the boat, giving you 200 Talent Points when you dig them out.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

It’s gonna hard to miss the ninth treasure map. Head to the location shown below and you’ll see a giant uprooted tree with a dead guy leaning on it. Search the guy and you’ll find Treasure Map: Forced to Move.

Head to the south of Blackberry and west of the signal post, then go up the hill. There’ll be a bonfire that’s easy to spot, which is where you should dig for the treasure: 600 talent points.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The tenth treasure map is with an Injured Scavenger that you can find near Laketown. You need to give the man a First Aid Kit which you can craft on-the-go. To craft, get 3 of each iron ore, tattered animal hides, cedar bark, and common flaxseed, as well as 15 plant fiber. You can get everything from logging, mining, and gathering in this area.

You’ll get the Treasure Map: Highway Side.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Exactly as shown in the picture when you read the map, head to this area southwest from the Redwood Post. On the side of the road, you’ll see the stark yellow taxi and next to that, is the digging site.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The eleventh treasure map is inside a safe under the cash register at a gas station. It is the one next to the Swan Lake West Shore. Unlock the safe like you did with the previous ones. The password we got was 27-14-15. Then you can read the Treasure Map: Best out of the Worst to find the location.

Then fast travel to section of Highway 23 and go through this log archway. The treasure is between the taxi and the log on your right.

In Laketown, find the largest mansion that is partly made of brick. The twelfth treasure map is inside the safe on the second-floor bedroom. The passcode for the safe was 67-17-43. Inside, you’ll find Treasure Map: Truck Umbrella.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

Following the map, you’ll end up here at the south of Silent Logging Camp. Under the rear side of a truck exactly at this spot is the digging site.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The thirteenth treasure map is with this dead guy right here to the west of Ross Chemicals inside a car. Search him for the Treasure Map: Mortal Lakeside.

Fast travel to Laketown and then go the east side of the archway. There you’ll find the dig site where the treasure is buried.

The fourteenth treasure map is to the west of the Redwood Outpost Signal Tower. Inside Moore Gas Stop, there are only two houses. Head inside the one with white and red paint and then find this Speckled Glass Bottle to search. The Treasure Map: Fallen Giant Tree is inside.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The location of the treasure is north of the East section of Highway 23, quite literally above it. Fast travel here and after that, just look north and you’ll see the tree and this pile of rocks under it to dig.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The fifteenth treasure map is inside the Strange Bird Nest that you can find right here. You’ll get the Treasure Map: Sudden Change of Vehicles.

Head Moore Gas Stop, which is left from the Redwood Outpost, then go to the front of the banner here is the dig site.

Undawn Redwood Forest Treasure Maps

The Shooting Range Treasure Map

The final treasure map is locked behind an Anecdote Overview. This mission has the requirement of reaching level 24. Once you have, check out Story, Wilderness Anecdote, then to Anecdote Overview. Then find ‘Note on the Signal Tower’ which will immediately point you towards where you need to go on the map.

Undawn Shooting Range Treasure Map

Right atop the Signal Tower of Blacberry, you’ll find a Tattered Note that you can now interact with. It’ll then show you where you need to go next, which is just right under the tower, over the campfire.

Undawn Redwood Forest Shooting Range Treasure Map

Head over there and behind this clutter of boxes, there’s a memorandum that you can read. It’ll give you the passcode to the suitcase next to it. The passcode is 996. That’s how you can get the Treasure Map: Shooting Range.

Undawn Shooting Range Treasure Map

Now, head to the Shooting Range. At the range, find the Fifth Target and underneath it is the dig site.

Undawn Shooting Range Treasure Map

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