Warhammer 40k Boltgun is a fun game that appeases the retro gaming scene. Also classified as a “boomer shooter”, these types of games are always usually very well made and fun to play. If you have played the original DOOM and Wolfenstein games, then you know what I’m talking about. What is also fun about these types of games is that some areas have a lot of secrets that you can find. In this guide, I will show you where you can find all of the secrets in Chapter 1, Mission 5: Martyr’s Crossing.
Secret 1: Machine Spirit
The first secret you can find is the Machine Spirit, which is located near the area where you first start the mission. Keep going until you reach a point where you need to go either left or right. Go left.

When you reach the edge of the cliff, look to your left and you will find the Machine Spirit secret in an open container.

Secret 2: Assault Doctrine
After getting the Machine Spirit, continue with the mission. You will soon reach an area full of purple stuff and open containers. Keep going until you reach the end of the room.

At the end of the room, there is a doorway. Go through the doorway and you will see a console that operates the elevator. Use it to go up to the second floor.

When the elevator stops, you will have to move around the castle through this area.

You should eventually reach another elevator that will take you up.

When the elevator stops, turn around but do not go up the stairs. Instead, turn right and you will see a room. Go through that room and you will find yourself outside once again. Go right around the castle again until you reach another elevator that will take you down a floor this time.

When the elevator stops, turn around and you will see another console that will open a door. Interact with it to open the door.

When you go through the door, you will find yourself in a large area. In one of the containers, you will find the Assault Doctrine inside.

Secret 3: Vengeance Boltgun Magazine
The next secret is the Vengeance Boltgun Magazine. Go across the room until you reach the door on the other end of the room. Go through the door.

In this area, there should be a red key that you will need to pick up in order to open the door that leads to the secret.

Leave the area and go back to the previous room. When you exit the area, you will see a door with symbols on it. Use the red key on the console on its right to open the door.

Inside the room, you will find the Vengeance Boltgun Magazine secret.

Secret 4: Vortex Grenade
Leave the room and turn right. You will find an elevator that will take you up.

Continue forward when the elevator stops until you reach another elevator that will take you up.

When the elevator stops, continue forward but stop when you reach the two health packs. On the wall to the right of the health packs is a secret wall. Approach the wall and interact with it to open the secret wall.

Once the secret wall opens, you will find the Vortex Grenade on the other side.

Secret 5: Infinite Ammo
After getting the Vortex Grenade, continue forward through the castle until you reach an elevator that will take you up.

After reaching the next floor, continue forward until you reach a console that will open the door that contains a room full of enemies.

In the large room full of enemies, there will be a set of steps in the middle of the area that takes you to a bridge. Take the set of stairs on the right and when you reach the top, look to your right and you will see the Infinite Ammo secret.

Secret 6: Munitions Boon
At this point, you will have to continue forward through the mission. Along the way, you will have to take elevators down this time. When the third elevator takes you down to what looks like a room full of containers, you will find a secret here.

Inside the container, you will find the Munitions Boon.

Secret 7: Kraken Boltgun Magazine
The last secret is located in the area where you have to walk on catwalks that are hooked to the ceiling. This area can be reached just by simply continuing through the mission.

In the middle platform of the area, you can find the Kraken Boltgun Magazine.

That’s all you need to know on how to get all of the secrets here. Did you manage to find all of the secrets in Chapter 1, Mission 5: Martyr’s Crossing? Let us know in the comments below.
ALSO READ: Warhammer 40k Boltgun: All Secrets Chapter 1 Mission 4