There are times where you feel as if the gear you bring with you to the field of battle perform in a suboptimal manner. Most of the time you would be right. You’re only effective up to mid-range and all of a sudden a bullet drops you from across the map without any warning.
Now, this is completely avoidable, you just need to get better equipment, mainly from the weapon cases you can find on crash sites.
These are unmarked locations so it might get confusing at first since the map is huge, but in this guide we’ll show you just where to find one!
Call Of Duty DMZ | Where To Find The Crash Site Weapon Case
Crash sites are always a treat when it comes to free for all games, whoever gets there first will might as well be the one who gets to bring home the chicken dinner.
The only thing you have to worry about next is if you can hold on to what’s in it.

The location can be seen south of the Sattiq Cave Complex, keep following the road and you will find some pipes that you can get under.
Underneath those pipes will be the crash site where you can find two cases that will require a key from you.

You will require the SC Special Forces Footlocker Key and the Crash Site Weapon Case key if you want to gain access to these containers.
Once you find those just simply head on back and make sure to not get shot.
Easy enough right? Now go and find the crates before an enemy team beats you to it!
ALSO READ: Where To Find The Zarqwa Hydroelectric Dead Drop In COD DMZ