The fastest and most effective way of getting this achievement.
Children’s Week Achievement Guide – WoW
This one has a mega event called Call for the Children. Blizzard has finally modified the achievement by removing School of Hard Knocks which required PvP.
The Alliance starting location is:

You will need to find Orphan Matron Nightingale. She’ll give you a whistle to call on your orphan.
The Horde starting location is:

You will need to find Orphan Matron Battlewail. Same thing with the whistle.
Do not complete these questions until after you’ve completed the achievements because the whistle will disappear.
Home Alone
Summon your orphan by right-clicking the Whistle from your inventory. He will be sitting around you and following wherever you go. Now use your Hearthstone(no matter where it is set to teleport you). That is gonna complete this achievement.
Bad Example
This is one is an eating achievement. There are 7 items that you must eat while your orphan is summoned. Those are:
- Tigule’s Strawberry Ice Cream – Hordes(right outside the Inn next to The Valley of Strenght in Orgrimar, from Alowicious Czervik) Alliance(next to the Bank in Stormwind, from Emmithue Smalls)
- Tasty Cupcake – from Auction House(can be cooked too)
- Red Velvet Cupcake
- Delicious Chocolate Cake – from Auction House(can be cooked too)
- Lovely Cake Slice – in the north part of Dalaran you will find Aimee
- Dalaran Brownie – from Aimee
- Dalaran Doughnut – from Aimee
Hail To The King, Baby
You will need to go from Dalaran to the Howling Fjord. Here you will find the entrance to Utgarde Keep. You will spot the portal in the entrance. Inside you will just have to fight your way through all the way to the last boss – King Ymiron. You will need to kill him while your orphan is summoned.

Daily Chores
You will need to complete 5 random Daily Chores while your orphan is summoned. A very important thing to remember is that you only need to have the ophan out when you return the finished quest. World quests will not finish this achievement. I recommend finishing Tol Barad for both Alliance and Horde characters. They are the most simple and next to each other(5 minutes).
Aw, Isn’t It Cute?
Just complete the normal quest that your Orphan Matron gives you.
That is it. Congratulations your achievement should be completed.
Optional: School of Hard Knocks
This is the difference since the new patch. You will just have to take your Orphan into various battlegrounds and finish these steps.

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