WoW: Dragon Glyphs Obsidian Throne Location

Martin Dojranliev
2 Min Read

We have the trickiest Drago Glyphs, and that is the Throne Location. If you don’t have many dragon riding talents unlocked, take it slow and work your way up there. In this guide, we will show you the location of the Obsidian Throne.

Dragon Glyphs Obsidian Throne Location In WoW

In the image above, you have the exact location and coordinates. The only thing is that you need to reach the location. For the Obsidian Throne, you need to head west to the obsidian citadel. You can get a little push from the winds, and it will be easier to reach the destination if you have access to them.

This is a bit harder than the other Dragon Glyphs because it’s relatively high in the air above the lava pool. It would be best if you took it slow, landed whenever you could wait to recharge, and then continued to fly. It doesn’t matter if you fall. Find the place to land until you have enough recharged and try again. If you have the Whirling Surge ability, you should use it. It pushes you great. If you aim it upwards, it will skyrocket you high up in the air.

This is all the information you need to know about how to reach the Obsidian Throne. Of course, this is more complicated to get the yellow-tipped object, but if you move smart and slow, you will reach it.

ALSO READ: WoW: Dragon Glyphs Dragonheart Outpost Location

Martin Dojranliev has been writing for many years. He loves to write about the gaming industry, especially fps games. He is an expert gamer in CSGO. He has won tournaments in Gevgelija, Macedonia, and online tournaments, and he has 1000+ hours on the game. Martin specializes in skills to be the best and to win the game. Last year Martin finished one year course in 3D Game Design. When Martin is taking a break from writing, he loves to play games in his free time.
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