Frost is finally back in action! This class has been asleep for more than 5 years. No player could have found any type of use for it or even come remotely close to being ranked close to the other class tiers in any tier list. Well, finally it is back and it is good. In this guide, we will be giving you how you need to build your Frost DK. Let’s get started.
Frost DK Dragonflight Pre-Patch Guide – WoW
Although you are able to know to play the Frost Death Knight you will need to know how you are able to use it properly so it can be actually worthwhile to play.

When playing a Frost DK you will literally want to be focusing on all of the stats. This is not a joke, you will want to make a fully balanced number on all of them. You will want to take items for Criticals, Versatility, Mastery, and ever Haste.
Although you will want to focus on a very balanced build with all of these stats, the most important one that you will need to focus on is Mastery. The main reason why Mastery is the most important is Frostwhelp’s Aid.
This is a skill that will emphasize on your Mastery and give you a much better overall power and strength over your enemies. When combined with all the other stats you will do a very good amount of damage. You will end up getting a total of 40% mastery of this skill.

The best legendary that you want to be focusing on for the Frost DK is Unity. Unity will give you the overall balance and % boost rates that this class will need.
You will want to be using Badge of Ferocity as your trinket because it will give you that extra Crit Dmg that Frost DK really needs.
You will need to focus on the Runeforge and you will want to go dual wielding with the Frost DK for the best overall feel and damage mount. Of course, you will need to take a look at the talents first to be able to fully understand why this works.
The talents are what make the Frost DK what it is. We will be giving you the best overall options here for either PvP and PvE alike.
PvP Talents For Frost DK

This is the best PvE Build that you will want to be going for when playing the Frost DK. They will give you the best overall survivability rate when doing dungeons alone or with a whole group.
PvP Talents For Frost DK

These here are the best PvP talents that you will want to use when you will be dealing with other players in WoW. They are very good and you should be running with them. They will provide you with the best overall damage as well as slow down the enemy.
Best Overall Talents For Frost DK

This is how your Frost DK should look like. You will get the most out of this class and you are sure to make a difference with this class, especially when compared to a previous couple of years of how bad this class actually was.
That’s all that you need to know about the Frost DK for Pre-Patch. We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you need to do. A big thank you to Flarkness from YouTube. Make sure to check out his channel here for more details.
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