Looking for one item in an MMORPG can’t be that tough right? Well the more that games these days are taking the whole open-world shtick, finding a single item can be like finding a single hay on a needle stack. It’s a painful and long process that usually isn’t worth it, but we still do it because it’s part of a quest or something. In World of Warcraft the world is quite massive, and with it comes a bit of confusion on where to find certain items. In this guide we’ll show you where to find the Living Book in the game, for those who can’t find it!
WoW: Dragonflight – Living Book Location
So if you’ve been doing the many quests in the game you might have done the “Brew of the Ages” quest in World of Warcraft. This quest is simple but a bit buggy, with many players having problems finding quest items. This is also where you can find the Living Book.
So in the tower where you do the quest you’ll need to get to the very top of the tower where there are locked doors.

Once you get there you’ll need to open the doors, one of them will have a chest in the middle as well as strong winds inside. When you go inside you’ll be slowed and be knocked back from time to time so keep that in mind.

In the same room at the very back is a bookcase where you can find the Living Book. Good thing the book is just outside the wind area so you won’t get knocked back when you interact with it!

Congratulations you now know where to find the Living Book in World of Warcraft, now go out there and try to get it for yourself! The room can be a bit annoying with the knockback but you’ll get there eventually!