A great way to get XP, resources, and other goodies is to complete short quests in WoW. These quests don’t offer a lot compared to the main quests, but they are certainly better than having to fight enemies for an hour straight. With short quests, you get to explore the map and get a little bit of story and lore from the quest. In this guide, we will be focusing on the Plunder Siege side quest, which you can complete easily in under 10 minutes. If you are interested, then read on and find out.
Plunder Siege Guide – WoW
How to Complete Plunder Siege

To start the quest, you will need to go to Morqut Village on Morqut Islet in The Forbidden Reach. The exact coordinates are 34.72, 57.66.

When in the village, talk to the NPC named Attrenosh Hailstone and he will have the quest for you. Once you have the quest, you will then have to move to a new location.

Your next location will be The Frosted Spine in The Old Weyrn Grounds, still in The Forbidden Reach. You will have to find a cave that has a Territorial Proto-Drake inside, guarding the quest item you need.

You can simply stay at the entrance so you can make a quick retreat if you need to. This fight won’t be too hard, so you have to complete it. Otherwise, you will not be able to open the chest.

Once the Territorial Proto-Drake is dead, open the chest and get everything inside. Make sure you get the journal, as this is the quest item.

Go back to Atrenosh Hailstone and give him the journal. This will conclude the quest and you will be rewarded for it immediately after completion.
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