
Zombie Defense: Complete Towers & Turrets Guide

Master these units to keep the zombie hordes at bay.

If you wish to complete multiple waves of tower defense goodness in Zombie Defense, you’ll need to understand all of the towers and turrets the game has to offer.

Tower and turrets, which are interchangeable terms for the fans of the game, are all of the offensive placements you can use to attack zombies. Some of them provide support such as slowing zombies, while others just provide raw damage. Nonetheless, the game doesn’t clearly explain what they all do…

But that’s what we’re here for, right? In this guide, we’ll go over all of the towers and turrets in the game to give you a complete understanding of them all. Additionally, we’ll give you tips and tricks for proper placement!

Complete Towers & Turrets Guide for Zombie Defense

Support Towers and Turrets

Support Towers and Turrets

Like any good tower defense game, support units can make or break your defenses. It’s why units like Boombox ranked so high in our Doomspire Defense unit tier list! So, here’s all the support units you want to have in Zombie Defense:

  • Glue Tower – Covers the area around itself with pools of yellow goo, which slows down zombies that try to walk through. This effect also works on most bosses.
  • Glue Turret – The turret version of Glue Towers. Shoots a long-range glue projectile which slows down zombies. The slow-down effect is stronger than Glue Towers, but covers less ground.
  • Hydrogen Tower – Shoots pools of blue goo around itself, slowing down any zombies that try to walk through it. This effect also works on bosses! Faster fire rate than Slime Towers.
  • Ice Turret – The turret version of Hydrogen Towers. Shoots a long-range ice projectile which slows down zombies and deals a small amount of damage.
A player with an incredible amount of support towers
  • Magnet Tower – These work as a distraction, for the most part. The zombies seem to be made out of metal because they get sucked towards the magnets! Great for keeping zombies where you want them.
  • Slime Tower – Sporadically covers the area around itself with green goo, which slows down zombies that try to walk through. It’s fantastic for slowing down the hordes of undead and works on bosses. Similar to Hydrogen Towers but has a slower fire rate.
  • Slime Turret – Fires a green goo projectile that bursts on impact, slowing down zombies. Better range than Slime Towers.
  • Spike Tower – Sporadically fires off small spike plates in random directions. These spike plates attach to surfaces and deal damage to any zombies that touch them.

As you can see, support units in Zombie Defense are all about impairing the zombies’ movement. Use as many of them as possible!

Damage Turrets and Towers

Low Tier and Common

Low Tier Offensive Units

All of your turrets and towers in Zombie Defense are obtained randomly by opening chests. The more expensive the chest, the rarer the units you get. Of course, rarer units are also much stronger!

So, before diving into the stronger and rarer ones, these are all of the low-tier common turrets and towers:

  • Basic Turret – Its name doesn’t lie to you; this is as basic as it gets. Low damage, range, and health across the board. However, it has a solid fire rate and is an overall improvement over all Cannon towers and turrets.
  • Cannons and Better Cannons – These are the basic damage turrets you get at the start of the game. They’re weak, have short range, and a slow fire rate. You don’t have much choice at the start, but we recommend replacing them as soon as possible.
  • Electric Turret – Zaps approaching foes with an electric current. Provides pretty nice DPS due to its fire rate, and its range allows it to cover a pretty decent area. It’s one of the most versatile turrets and towers in Zombie Defense!
  • Hydrogen Turret – Unlike the Hydrogen Towers, these turrets don’t apply any slow down and purely do damage. Very common to get from chests and has very solid damage output at a decent range.

Overall, the only notable standouts in this category are the Electric Turret and Hydrogen Turret. Despite being rather common, they’re both extremely solid choices for every type of base you build!

High Tier and Rare

High Tier Offensive Units

We already went over the most common turrets and towers in Zombie Defense. So, it’s time to bring out the big guns and go over all of the rarer but stronger ones:

  • Flamethrower – This turret works more or less as you would expect: extremely high damage output at a very short range. They’re best used as a last line of defense around your flag, finishing off approaching zombies.
  • Plasma Turret – Technically, this is the best turret in Zombie Defense. When paired with support towers, it can solo hordes of zombies with ease thanks to its massive damage output. However, it’s only available from the expensive Obsidian Chests with a 1% drop chance. If you do get it, though, make good use of it!
  • Rocket Turret – Has huge damage and massive range, combined with a decent enough fire rate. This turret alone can be great for sniping zombies long before they reach your towers and flags. It’s one of the best damage turrets in Zombie Defense!
  • Shocky Turret – Effectively, this is another variant of the Electric Turret. It has a better fire rate and much higher health, but it also has slightly shorter range.
  • Super Turret – Functionally, this is a vastly improved version of the Basic Turret. Much higher health, damage, range, and fire rate. It’s pretty common, too, so you’re likely to use a lot of these even when you have better turrets and towers available.

Overall, the best unit in this category is the Rocket Turret. It has massive damage potential combined with the highest range of all automated turrets. Plus, it’s not even that rare to get! On the other hand, the Plasma Turret remains the absolute best for DPS in Zombie Defense… but you’ll need extremely high luck to get even one of those.

Manned Turrets and Towers

Manned Units

Alongside the automated turrets and towers we’ve covered before, there are a few manual units. These don’t attack automatically at all, requiring a player to man them and use them. They have infinite range, just like your guns, but they can’t be moved! Here’s all of them currently in the game:

  • Manual Cannon – Similar to the regular Cannon turrets and towers, this is one of the worst things you can use in Zombie Defense. Its damage and fire rate are very slow, combined with a fairly long reload time. That said, its range can be used to sniper Zombie Graves when you have no other option.
  • Machine Gun – Decent damage and fire rate make this a decent manned turret. If you manage to unlock one before you buy a proper gun, you can get some good use out of it. The reload time is fairly long, but it’s not too bad.
  • Manual Turret – Extremely high damage makes this a solid choice for sniping Zombie Graves. You just need to place it somewhere high up so its view isn’t obstructed. However, the reload is extremely long, which can make it not worth using at times.

Overall, manned turrets and towers in Zombie Defense are very niche. They’re only really useful if you can’t afford a gun yet, as even the AK-47 provides higher DPS with more versatility.

Tips and Tricks for Turrets & Towers Placement

Example of protecting the edge of the map with blocks and floating turrets

If you’re a complete newcomer to Zombie Defense, you may assume that placing all of your turrets and towers next to your flag is ideal. You may even avoid placing turrets closer to the edge of the map, which can be a huge mistake.

Instead, you want to ensure that you place automated turrets alongside the map’s edge denoted by the darker grass. This will let them thin out the zombie hordes before they even approach your flag! Do note that automated units don’t attack Zombie Graves, though. You have to deal with those yourself, sadly…

Gameplay Screenshot | Zombie Defense: Complete Towers & Turrets Guide

Of course, it can be hard to cover a lot of ground at the start of the game when you have few blocks and low-tier units. Nonetheless, keep this in mind as you progress. Just try starting with a small perimeter around your flag and spread further as you get more things to build with.

Similarly, it’s a good idea to not have all of your turrets and towers bunched together. Spread them out so that they can kill zombies before they’re even close to damaging your flag. Divide and conquer, as they say!

Example of floating turrets protecting the flag

Another important trick for success is to take advantage of the game’s quirks. Place turrets in elevated positions, where most zombies can’t actually attack them. You can even remove blocks from below the turrets and towers to leave them floating in the sky! This maximizes range and keeps them out of reach from most zombies.

So, there you have it, that’s the end of our complete guide to all turrets and towers in Zombie Defense. If you want more help with Roblox games, check out all of our Roblox guides. We even have guides for other tower defense games, such as how to increase Paragon Levels in Anime Crossover Defense!


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