In Genshin Impact there are certainly a lot of puzzles that you’ll need to complete in order to get some very cool rewards and coins. With the new region that just got introduced to us, there will be even more puzzles than before so get ready for the reward! In this guide, we will talk about the Verity Calls Puzzle. Let’s see how to complete it.
Verity Calls Puzzle Guide – Genshin Impact
First of all, you will need to step on top of this tile square piece here.

This will then spawn a Cell that you can play around with. This is a Verity Cell, one of the new types of cells that you will need to activate. Simply walk up to it and press the Touch Cell button.
As you can see on top of your head, you will have a minor thing floating, sort of looking like a Sims thing. You will carry this buff with you and locate this little tree that is in the corner.

You will need to change into a Fire element character, for example, Amber, and then proceed to get your bow and strike an arrow fully charged inside of it. This will get it to activate.
After this, you will go back to the Verity Cell and Touch it again to get the buff that will be on top of your head again.

This time you will go not on the right side, but to the left side of the structure. Here you will find another tree looking thingy that will look blue from a distance. You will do the same as before. Charge up your arrow with a Fire Element character and then shoot it directly.

You will need to do the same thing for the third tree. Go back and get the buff, roam around the structure and find the second to last tree. Shoot it with a fire element character. Now find the other tree that is right in the middle.
Now go back and you will see that a chest has spawned in the middle. Enjoy the loot!
That is everything you need to know about the Verity Calls Puzzle. We hope that this guide was useful and helpful. Enjoy the loot from the chest!
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