Battlebit Remastered is a new low poly FPS game that aims to recapture the core gameplay mechanics of the Battlefield series in a better way. It includes destructible environments alongside servers capable of supporting up to 254 players per game. This guide will focus on how to level up fast in the game to unlock more weapons and accessories.
How to Level Up Fast
You can quickly get experience points by playing the support and medic class. The reason why is because unlike the other classes, you can get exp by simply healing or supplying ammo to your team. For more details and information, make sure to read further into the guide!
Support Class
The Support class is a good class to use if you want to ensure you level up fast. This can be achieved using the Ammo Kits that this class has access to. There are two types of kits, with one holding Heavy Ammo and the other holding Small Ammo.

Since the maps in this game are very large, there will always be players that are replenishing ammo using your boxes, and this will provide you with the xp to level up. Make sure that you do not keep spamming new boxes since the previous ones that you placed will disappear. The best spot to place these boxes are locations where your teammates have concentrated, such as objective locations.

A good tip is to drop these boxes from high vantage points to allies below you so they can easily spot the box when it drops.
Medic Class
If the Support class is not working for you and you want to be closer to the action, then try playing with the Medic class. The reason why this class is good for gaining experience points is that you can revive players that have been knocked. Additionally, after reviving, you can heal them back to full health so they can get back in the fight.

A game-changing tip for medic players is to change their Drag Players and First Aid keybindings to map to the same key. This results in you being able to not only drag the players away from danger but also revive them simultaneously. This helps to reduce the overall time required to get knocked players back into the fight.

One final tip for both classes is to ensure you are playing near objectives. This increases the experience gained due to capturing objectives. Additionally, you also have a greater number of players to heal and provide support to.

We hope that this guide was helpful for you in leveling up fast. We would love to hear from you in the comments below if you have any comments or suggestions.