Dusty Trip allows players on Roblox to embark on epic journeys across a variety of desert landscapes. You can also take different vehicles across the land for numerous distances. On your journey, you can come across various items and collectables.
Currently, there’s a new Classic Event going on for Dusty Trip. You can unlock different badges and complete challenges as part of the event. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the first Classic Event badge – which is the Fractured Frenzy badge. Let’s get into it!
How To Get The First Classic Event Badge
As part of the Classic Event, there are quite a few other badges that you can unlock by completing various challenges in Dusty Trip. One badge you can get requires you to find all the Tix in the event. Check out our guide on how to find All 10 Tix Locations if you’re struggling with it. With that said, we’ll turn our attention back to getting the first classic event badge. Here are the steps you need to follow to get the Fractured Frenzy badge in Dusty Trip for the Classic Event:
- Go to the Classic Map at the Classic Event section
- Pick up the gun from the table
- Go outside the house and repair the car
- Drive 2000m from the house
- Shoot the 5 Deadly Balls in the air to get the Classic Event Badge.
Join the Classic Map
Starting off, you’ll be heading to the Classic Event section in the Dusty Trip Lobby. Stand on one of the squares there and you’ll start loading into the Classic map. Some players also call this area the elevator.

Pick Up The Gun
Once you load into the Classic Map in Dusty Trip, you’ll find yourself in a small house. In the same room you’re in, you’ll see a table next to the window. Approach the table and you should be able to see a gun there. Pick up the gun and make your way outside the house.

Repair the Car
After you leave the house, you’ll see the car parked outside. However, all of its parts will be deconstructed, so you’ll need to repair it. This means you’ll need to reconnect all the parts like the wheels.
On top of that, make sure that you fuel the car and bring some extra with you as well. Once the car is fixed, get into the car and keep your gun with you. If you ever want to try out another vehicle, check out our How To Get Camper Van guide to try it out in Dusty Trip!

Travel 2000m in the Car
Once you’re in the car on the Dusty Trail, you’ll be heading down the road on the right. Your goal will be to get 2000m away from the house. When you bring the gun with you, we recommend that you keep it equipped rather than placing it in the car. This is because Dusty Trail tends to be a bit glitchy. So, it is possible for the gun to fall out and you’ll end up losing all the progress you’ve made for the Classic Event Badge.

After you’ve crossed the 2000m mark which can be seen on the top of the screen, something strange will happen. The environment around will be replaced with a matrix type aesthetic. On top of that, you’ll also start seeing some glitchy text. The glitchy text will say that 5 Killbots have been summoned. So, you better keep that gun ready and equipped! Also, make sure that you stop your car.

Shoot the 5 Killbots (Balls)
Once the message appears, start driving back towards the house in the Classic Event. Make sure that you use the extra fuel you brought if you’ve ran out at this stage. After around 100m you’ll start seeing some flying balls in the air. These are the Killbots, and they’ll start shooting at you immediately – with their own health bars.

Stop the car and try to find some cover. After that, start shooting the balls with the gun you have equipped. They will shoot back explosive bullets too so make sure you dodge them. Otherwise, you’ll die and need to repeat the Classic Event badge process.
After you kill all the 5 Killbots, you’ll obtain the Fractured Frenzy badge. You’ll have to shoot them a few times until their health bar depletes. Congratulations, you have your first Classic Event Badge in Dusty Trip.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the first Classic Event badge in Dusty Trip. Quite a straightforward event. Keep in mind that players have reported various glitches with this event. So, you might have to restart if you come across some problems.
On your journeys in the game, you can come across all sorts of secrets. Some of them can be really creepy as well – such as the Secret Notes. Check out our How To Find All Secret Notes guide so you can check them out for yourself!