Crafting and farming are two of the best ways to strengthen your character in Core Keeper and while everyone want to go at their own pace, the most hardcore of players want to know how to get the strongest weapon so far in the game.
Note that this weapon is not easy to craft, but follow this guide if you want to streamline your journey!
How To Craft The Rune Song Sword
The strongest weapon in the game as of writing is the Rune Song sword.
The materials needed are not easy to get and would require a decent amount of farming and patience. As with any equipment that you craft for the long run, it will serve you well so it’s definitely a good one to put in mind while allocating your resources.

- Purchase Blueprint
To craft the sword, you would first need to get the “blueprint” for it which you can purchase from a merchant holding a blue lantern for 2000 coins.
Once you get the blueprint, it’s only a matter of gathering materials. - Gather Materials
The materials you need are as follows: Broken Handle, Chipped Blade, Clean Gemstone, 50 Iron Bars, 10 Ancient Gemstones.
After crafting, you will then get the Rune Song sword with the following stats:
- 185-255 melee damage
- 205 APS
- 62 points heath boost and,
- A regen of 3 per melee hit
The most important thing you will get from this sword is the ability to do critical hits for 15%. This will give you a chance to kill any target that has lower health than you.
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