The Great Malboro is a commonly known boss throughout the entire Final Fantasy series. The great Malboro looks like a being with multiple tentacles. This guide will show you how you can defeat the Great Malboro boss.
Defeat Great Malboro – Stranger in Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
The Great Malboro makes its appearance in the Stranger in Paradise once again. When you first encounter it, you will get a cutscene with the characters complaining about its smell. After the cutscene, be prepared to fight against the boss.

The Great Malboro is weak against fire magic, so be sure to cast it whenever you can. As much as possible, keep your distance and cast fire magic instead. His attacks are slow but you want to watch out for the Bad Breath move as it can inflict ailments.
The range for the Bad Breath move is short and in a circular fashion. This will not reach you if you keep your distance enough. It may take a long time but only go in and attack during the delays in between its attacks.
You should get a small chance to attack after it performs its spinning move. Otherwise, perform fire damage from afar. Once you get it to half health, it will perform faster, spinning attacks. Beware of its attacks sprouting from the ground.
Be patient and focus on its fire weakness to emerge victoriously!
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