Ark: Survival Evolved has just been released for free on the Epic Games store. That is great news, I know! Getting around 30$ of content for free is nothing to look down on! And since the number of players will increase by 200% now, you might want to know how to play on Steam rather than on EG. Why? Because you can’t use the workshop mods on Epic Games and the servers unfortunately don’t have a ping counter, which can suck quite a but…
How To Move Ark From Epic Games To Steam
First of all, it should be said that, if you want to use Ark on Steam, you’ll have to buy it on Steam. But why would I do that, you might ask…
We personally think that playing the game for free on Epic Games is more of a trial to learn if you want to join this really entertaining community, and, if you do, join them on Steam, where the real fanbase is.
Also, this can help you install the game really fast, since you’ve already downloaded 200 gigabytes of data. So, let’s get to it. Here is what you should do:
- Find where your Ark folder is installed. The folder should be called “ArkSurvivalEvolved” and have 3 folders and 2 files in it
- On the same hard drive, create a folder path like this -> “Steam /steamapps /common /Ark”
- Move all the files besides the “.egstore” folder from the Epic Games Ark folder to the newly created “Ark” folder. Make sure to cut them
- Now, enter your Steam launcher and select to install Ark, the destination being the “Steam” folder you created on your drive, if there wasn’t one there already
- You will now see Steam discovering the files there, already existing, and will make your install a lot faster, since Steam is only verifying your files

After this whole ordeal, you’ll be able to enjoy Ark: Survival Evolved at its full potential.
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