Midpoint Interception is a mission that you will eventually have to complete in Genshin Impact, but what is it that you actually need to do? Well, the basic point for that is to destroy the transport balloon as soon as possible.
Genshin Impact Midpoint Interception Guide
This challenge is located south of Guyun Stone Forest. When you start the challenge, the transport balloon will appear in front of you.
Now for the important bit, you will need to aim for the barrels that are collected in a pile. That is, where there are three barrels in a pile.

You need to destroy these barrels at the time when the transport balloon will be near them.After destroying the barrels, continue to the left.
Along the way, you can destroy the enemies who will be standing on the small wooden platforms.
Keep going straight and you will come across the next pile of barrels, shoot at them when the transport balloon comes across.

Note that the blast will consume much of the health of the transport balloon.
Then, go straight forward to the next barrel pile and shoot at them when the transport balloon approaches it.
If you have done everything right, you should destroy the transport balloon with the third pile of barrels.
That’s all you need to do for this challenge.