Roblox Fisch is a fun play with words as this game is all about fishing. You can explore these cozy environments and engage in a serene fishing session as you go on adventures to catch the rarest of fishes.
Traveling to different islands on your adventures becomes much easier with the Advanced Glider, so let’s see how you can obtain one.
How To Get Advanced Glider
The advanced glider is much better than the regular glider and it definitely gets you places faster than walking. Obtaining it will make traveling much easier so it’s worth every second you spend on it!
To get the Advanced glider, you’ll need to climb the very top of the Northern Summit while keeping your oxygen tank full. Here’s the full walkthrough.
Full Walkthrough
First, go to the new Northern Expedition Island. When you reach the island, take the first left turn.

From here. The path is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is climb a series of ladders. The walk is long and will take a bit of time but don’t lose motivation and simply keep going. Continue climbing ladders that take you higher up.

Aside from ladders, you’ll also encounter some rocks and boulders that you can use to get on top. Luckily for the journey to acquire the advanced glider, you do not need to use any gliders.

Soon, you’ll reach the Overgrowth Caves. At this point, you’ll see two bars next to your avatar: an orange and a blue bar. The orange bar is your heat and the blue bar is your oxygen. Both of which you’ll be losing as you reach heights on this freezing island.

To replenish your body heat, during the overgrowth caves part of this adventure, you’ll need to stop by the campfire that you’ll also spot.

Equipment (Oxygen Tank and Coat)
As you approach the peak, your oxygen also depletes. The only way to manage this is to buy an oxygen tank. You can buy the oxygen tank near the refill stations. You’ll encounter a few campfires and oxygen stations as you go up.

The tank will initially be empty and you’ll need to fill up your oxygen. You can do so by approaching the refill station that is typically near the campfires for players’ convenience.
Fair warning, the heat goes down pretty fast so there’s not enough time to explore. You’ll need to focus on the task at hand and keep going along the path. Only stop by campfires to replenish the heat bar.
You’ll also encounter another campfire with the chance to buy a better oxygen tank (the Intermediate Oxygen Tank) so go ahead and do that if you have the means! This tank is available on the first tent on the right. You can use the ladders to get across.

Additionally, if your heat bar depleting makes you super stressed, you can buy yourself the Winter Cloak that prevents your heat bar from going down at all.
The coat is available in the wooden crates near the campfire shown below.

It’s worth noting that somewhere on this summit is a spot that is perfect for fishing and yielding good fish and thus the best money spot in New North Expedition. So don’t target to check it out if you have the winter coat to allow yourself to explore and remove any risk of depleting your heat bar.
Last Series of Ladders
If you’ve reached the location with the wooden crates and coat, you’ll need to turn around and go back to the ladder (or the icy terrain) from where you came. You’ll encounter a frozen ramp.

Continue on this path until you reach the final set of ladders! At this point, you’ll be traveling on the Cryogenic Canal. Fill up your heat and oxygen at the top when you reach the Glacial Grotto and obtain the Advanced Glider that’s sitting between the refill tents. You can buy the Advanced Glider for 2500C$.

Now you can enjoy the scenery and get to any island on Fisch much faster!