Some parts of this game are a bit more difficult to complete considering how well hidden certain objects are. The Super Spirit Detergent is no exception. Let’s find it together!
Super Spirit Detergent Location – Stray
The first thing we’re going to have to do in order to get the Super Spirit Detergent is to scare Vapora on a rooftop by meowing at her.
To get to her, you want to go to the Guardian’s location in The Slums (Chapter 4) and turn around. The sight you’ll see is in the image below. Climb up there and you’ll see Vapora, preparing to throw some paint over to the neighboring building.

Your next step is to walk up to her and begin the interaction. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to meow at her as she’s throwing the paint bucket over so she gets startled and drops the bucket.
Once that’s done, a cutscene will commence, showing a guy storming out of the laundromat in front of which the paint was spilled. That same building is where you need to get in, so you want to get down there and just walk past him while he’s busy cleaning up the mess.
Once you’re in the laundromat, look to your left. You’ll see a table and on top of it is your hidden treasure – the Super Spirit Detergent. Hop onto the table, interact with it and voilà!
It must be some special detergent, considering the maneuvers we pulled to get it.
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