If you do have a problem like Valorant Not Opening or having the Bootstrap Packaged Error, this guide is the one for you. Here you shall learn a couple of methods that are known to have helped a couple of players with their issues. Let’s get started and fix your Valorant game!
Not Opening Problem – Valorant Bootstrap Packaged Game Fix
Task Manager
You will need to first open up the Task Manager. To do so simply press these three buttons together: CTRL + ALT + DEL. Then a window will appear and you shall need to select the Task Manager Option.

Open up your Task Manager and while in here you will need to be scrolling up and down inside the process section. Try to find something from Riot or from Valorant in the background. If you do happen to find something like this, you shall click it and select the End Task button and option.
Firewall Bypass & Antiviruss Bypass

Search for Firewall inside the Windows Search Bar. While here you will find the Firewall options. Open it up and then proceed to open up the Allow an App Through Firewall. It will be inside the Firewall window that you shall open up.

Here you will need to find the Riot Client and then just proceed to tick the both options under the Private and Public settings. You will first have to click the Change Settings on the top right corner though.

If your Valorant Apps are not showing up on this list, you will need to click the Allow another app… that is on the bottom right corner of the picture above. Now just go ahead and locate the Valorant file folder which is inside the Riot Client and here you need to select the RiotClientServices.exe.
Also, if you have an antivirus active, make sure to open it up and check if Riot Client or Valorant is in the Bypass option too.
Windows Update

Open up your Windows Settings and navigate to the Windows Update tab. While here you will just find a big button with the Install All or Update written on it. It will download the latest update for your Windows.
This might be a factor that will work on fixing the Valorant issue so give it a try.
Those are all the options that you can do when it comes to fixing the Bootstrap Packaged Game Fix. We hope that this guide has been useful and got you back inside Valorant. A big thank you to TechHow from YouTube for explaining a lot of the details.