Fade is the new Valorant agent. For some, it is an instant favorite. She is much needed in every situation and very capable of turning rounds upside if played by someone who knows what he’s doing.
Here I’ll give you the basics and a beginners guide so you can be that someone too. Let’s get started.
Fade Complete Beginner’s Guide – Valorant
To best explain Fade with the most simple words would be that she is a hybrid between other initiator agents like Sova and Skye. She’s a Turkish agent with skills best suited for tracking enemies down and revealing them through the walls. She is also good for blinding and deafening her enemies.

Fade will be preparing her squad for victory by being the main Initiator. She’s in charge of her team and by utilizing her skills, she’s able to gain an edge over the enemy team by pushing them back out of sight or in cover. While so, Fade can still detect them making them even more uncomfortable. This can force a capture or a recapture of points.
These are her Abilities:
- Seize (Q) – Fade equips and shoots an Orb that will float in the air for around 1.5 seconds before slamming down somewhere. When this orb collides with the ground and causes damage to foes, everything inside its blast radius will be tethered, take damage, and become deafened.
- Haunt (E) – Fade equips and shoots an Orb, which, like before, flies in the air before crashing to the earth. It will float up into the air after this slamming and stay there like an all-seeing eye. Enemies will be monitored and exposed if they are seen by this floating eye. A debuff trail is also applied to them.
- Prowler (C) – Fade sends out a creature that automatically follows the enemy’s trails, or you may direct it manually by moving your mouse. The enemy will be Nearsighted for 3 seconds when they reach him. Each trail can only have one creature.
- Nightfall (X) – Fade releases a cloud of Dark Mist. The opponent will be deafened, tracked, and decayed if this mist reaches them.

Test her out, get a good feel of how she plays, and go for your own playstyle. In my opinion, the best-suited playstyle for Fade is being aggressive. Go into people’s faces and clear the road for your team.
When something feels unstable, make sure to use your scanning ability to disrupt the enemy’s strategy by being seen. Learn to set up the all-seeing eye on every map. With just this skill alone you can be a big part of securing your team’s victory. You can be an actual wallhack.
Clear difficult unreachable corners with your skills too. When an enemy is hiding and waiting for you or your team to appear, use your skills against him. Track him down or blind him by bouncing your skills around the walls.

A very good tip I found out lately, is to be patient. You can wait on the cooldowns and use your skills first and then proceed to an attack. It can be crucial in some situations.
Fade’s weakness is her restricted range. So knowing this information is very important. Maps like Breeze can be tough for her because enemies can avoid her Haunt or Seize. Maps like Fracture and Ice Box can be difficult too. Haven is her playground, here you can flourish. Maps like Ascend, Bind and Split suit her playstyle well too.
I hope this helped a bit. Just keep on experimenting because the ways and strategies Fade can be played are endless really. Good luck!
ALSO READ: Best Fade Lineups & Setups For All Maps | Valorant 2022