Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Conjure (Summon) Elemental

Elijah Hernandez
2 Min Read

Baldur’s Gate 3 is what a lot of people are considering to be the new golden standard for RPG. Actually, for gaming in general. One can spend hours playing through the game, probably more than Skyrim due to how well polished and how chock full of content this game is. However, there are still some things that a lot of people don’t understand this rather complicated game. If you’re not a Dungeons and Dragons player, then you might be confused on how things work, like conjuring an Elemental. In this guide, I will show you how you can conjure one in the game.

How to Conjure (Summon) Elemental

An Elemental is a companion that you can summon using the Conjure Elemental spell. You can summon a Fire Elemental, Water Elemental, Stone Elemental, and Air Elemental when you unlock the spell at level 5. You can level it up to level 6 and it will summon much more powerful versions of the Elementals known as Myrmidon.

But how can you summon it? Well, you first need to understand that only Druids, Wizards, Warlocks, and surprisingly Bards can summon Elementals. For Druids, Wizards, and Warlocks, you will need to reach level 5 in order to unlock the spell. For Bard’s, on the other hand, you need to get their Magical Secrets to level 10.

Conjuring a Fire Elemental in Baldur's Gate 3.

That’s all you need to know on how to summon Elementals in Baldur’s Gate 3. Did this guide help you out in getting these useful companions in the game? Let us know in the comments below.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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