Mutliclassing in Dungeons and Dragons is a debate that’s been going on since the early days of the game. Some people love it because it can have some interesting combos between classes. Then there are others that hate it because you don’t get the full potential of a class, and that is too much of a sacrifice for some. In Baldur’s Gate 3, Multiclassing is a bit easier than in Tabletop DnD and can have some fun combinations.
In this guide, we’ll show you a couple of Multiclass options that you’ll want to try. From a Lightning Spamming fighter to a Bard/Rogue combo with all the skills you need! Now, let’s see these multiclass builds!
Top 3 Multiclass You Need
Some people like to Multiclass in and do all sorts of crazy things while others just dip a few levels for some features. We’ll be doing the former with these builds since most of them will have 3 classes by level 12! Now, take your pick out of the 3 we have right here.
Storm Magic Fighter
For this build, we’re going with a theme and that theme is lightning! With a combination of Eldritch Knight Fighter, Storm Sorcery and the Cleric Tempest Domain, we’ll maximize our lightning damage! It can work with a custom character of any race or even origin characters if you want them.

Starting Attributes:
- Strength – 12
- Dexterity – 8
- Constitution – 17
- Intelligence – 12
- Wisdom – 8
- Charisma – 15
Levels, Classes and Features
LVL | Class | Notes |
1 | Fighter | Fighter Base Class For Proficiencies and HP. |
2 | Fighter | Gain Action Surge. |
3 | Fighter | Pick Eldritch Knight. Get Shocking Grasp, Shield, Witch Bolt and Longstrider. |
4 | Cleric | Pick Tempest Domain. Don’t get any Concentration Spells. Gain Wrath of the Storm, which deals Lightning Damage and Thunder Damage on a failed save. |
5 | Cleric | Gain Destructive Wrath, one of the most important features. Uses Channel Divinity to maximize damage when rolling for thunder or lightning damage. |
6 | Sorcerer | Pick Storm Sorcery. Gains ability to cast Fly as a Bonus Action when casting level 1 spells or higher. |
7 | Fighter | We’re picking Fighter again to get to Level 4 so we can get Ability Score Improvement. Increase your Constitution to 18 and Charisma to 16. |
8 | Sorcerer | Metamagic: Twinned Spell and Distant Spell |
9 | Sorcerer | Metamagic: Quickened Spell. |
10 | Sorcerer | Ability Score Improvement to increase Charisma to 18. Alternatively you can get War Caster or Elemental Adept: Lightning. |
11 | Sorcerer | Get Lightning Bolt for the lightning damage. |
12 | Sorcerer | Get Call Lightning. You also get Heart of the Storm that deals more lightning and thunder damage when you cast a level 1 spell or higher. |
As you can see this build focuses on maximizing your lightning damage through spells and features. The main spell for this build is Call Lightning, which you concentrate on. That’s why we have high constitution so we can have a better chance of succeeding concentration checks. We also have Shield to help with that.
When we cast Call Lightning, we can use Destructive Wrath to maximize the damage. We can also call lightning again on the same turn, action surge to do it again and twinned spell to do it a 4th time. Basically, you’ll be casting Call Lightning multiple times as long as you have the resources to do so!
Master Of Skills Roguish Bard
This build focuses on being proficient with almost all of the skills in the game while also be amazing at some of them. We’ll pick Human for this build since it gets an additional proficiency and we’re trying to get as much of those! We’ll also get Charlatan for the proficiency in Slight of Hand and Deception.

Starting Attributes:
- Strength – 10
- Dexterity – 16
- Constitution – 12
- Intelligence – 12
- Wisdom – 13
- Charisma – 13
Skill Proficiency and Expertise
Choosing the Rogue as a starting class will get us not only a bunch of proficiencies but 2 expertise as well. You can follow the proficiencies shown below with Sleight of Hand and Stealth being our expertise.

Levels, Classes and Features
LVL | Class | Notes |
1 | Rogue | Gain Proficiencies and Expertise. |
2 | Rogue | Standard Rogue leveling. |
3 | Rogue | Pick the Thief Subclass. |
4 | Rogue | Get Ability Score Improvement and increase Wisdom and Charisma. |
5 | Bard | Gain an additional proficiency. Highly suggest to pick a Charisma skill like Intimidation, Performance or Persuasion. |
6 | Bard | Gain Jack of All Trades which adds half of your Proficiency Bonus to skills you’re not proficient in, rounded down. |
7 | Bard | Get Enhance Ability for ability buffs. |
8 | Bard | Pick College of Lore. Get the Skilled Feat that lets you be proficient with 3 more skills. Pick whichever skill you want to maximize. |
9 | Rogue | Standard Rogue leveling. |
10 | Rogue | Gain another skill proficiency from being a Thief. |
With these choices in leveling, you can get a lot of skills with proficiency. The two classes that have the most skill proficiency is the Rogue and Bard that’s why we’re taking both. Not to mention that the bard has Jack of all Trades which means we still get a small bonus for skills we’re not proficient with.
If you’re worried about this build being useless in a fight, then don’t worry. When picking bard spells make use of great spells like Hold Person or the many utility spells they can get. As a rogue you also get sneak attack. A great way to make this build more viable in late game is to get Crossbow Expert Feat and get the best hand crossbows you can. Dual wield Hand-crossbows and start shooting and flinging spells.
Hexblade Paladin
A classic build in DnD and it has become a favorite for many that they even made a subclass for it. Sadly, that subclass is not in Baldur’s Gate 3, but we can still get close to it. This is going to be a build that can do multiple attacks in a turn and can work in ranged and in melee.

Starting Attributes:
- Strength – 8
- Dexterity – 13
- Constitution – 16
- Intelligence – 10
- Wisdom – 10
- Charisma – 17
Levels, Classes and Features
LVL | Class | Notes |
1 | Paladin | Starting as a Paladin to get proficiency with shields and heavy/medium armor. Take Oath of Devotion. |
2 | Warlock | Take Eldritch Blast as well as another cantrip you want. Take the Fiend Warlock for temporary hit points and get Hex and Armor of Agathys. |
3 | Warlock | For Eldritch Invocations take Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast. |
4 | Warlock | Get the Pact of the Blade as a Boon and get Hold Person. Get ability score improvement to get Charisma to 18 and Dexterity to 14. |
5 | Warlock | Get Devil Sight for utility and the third level spell can be any choice. |
6 | Paladin | Gain Sacred Weapon which buffs your weapon and your charisma modifier to it. |
7 | Paladin | Get Enhance Ability for ability buffs. |
8 | Paladin | Get Ability Score improvement to make your Charisma 20. |
9 | Paladin | Gain an extra attack. |
10 | Fighter | Fighting Style is up to you. |
11 | Fighter | Gain Action Surge. |
This build has a lot of damage with its bonuses from charisma from both Paladin and Warlock. Paired with other damage modifiers like Sacred Weapon and Magic Weapon and additional smites from the Paladin and you can dish out a ton of damage!
If you want to go even crazier than you can drink Potions of Speed or have a wizard cast Haste on you. This will make you have more attacks and not only that, you can then action surge to do it all over again! Paired with Smite and you can melt enemies in the first turn.
Those are the must try multiclass builds you can make in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go out there and try them out yourself! Make sure to go check out our guide on the Return Rakath’s Gold quest if you haven’t already.
ALSO READ: Baldur’s Gate 3: Blackguard’s Armor Set & Shield of the Undevout