Lost Marbles can be found scattered across the map in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. It’s another type of collectible that will thrill all 100% runners of any game.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to get all the Lost Marbles in Crackmast Cove. There should be two in total.
All Marble Locations In Crackmast Cove – Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

It’s a bit of a soggy journey to get to our first Lost Marble.
Head on to this part of the map and go through the islands until you reach one that leads to a platform to board one of the shipwrecks. Cross this makeshift bridge and turn to your right.
The first marble can be found there, ready for you to break.

The other marble can be found in this location, only accessible after you’ve gone through or started The Trial of Crooked-Eye Phil side quest.
Start from this point of the map, onto the wooden platform and walk to the right path. Continue following it until it leads you up another platform which seams into grassland and sand.
Turn right from here and jump on a platform with a stepladder on, climb up this ladder then turn left to jump down another wooden ledge. Your marble is waiting there, crack it open to reap your rewards!
We hope you had fun looking for your marbles!
ALSO READ: All Lore Scroll Location In Crackmast Cove | Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands