Diesel fuel gives you raw or cooked resources depending on where you use them:
- Giant Excavator
- Sulfur Quarry
- HQM Quarry
- Stone Quarry
- Pumpjack (Water treatment, Powerplant & Trainyard)
Giant Excavator will give you (depending on your input) ca. 100 HQM ore, 2000 Sulfur ore, 10 000 Stones or 5000 metal fragments per Diesel fuel.
Sulfur Quarry will give you 1000 Sulfur Ore per Diesel fuel.
HQM Quarry will give you 50 HQM Ore per Diesel fuel.
Stone Quarry will give you 1000 metal fragments 5000 stones per Diesel fuel.
Pumpjack will give you 60 Crude and 170 Low Grade Fuel per Diesel fuel
Numbers have been rounded up to simplify.
Junkyard (14 Spawns)
Some sources claim there to be 14 Diesel Spawn locations, however we have only been able to verify 12 locations. With that said, Junkyard contains the most amount of Diesel spawn locations among all of the monuments in Rust, impressive given it’s a tier-1 monument, but you can usually just find between 3-4 per run. See image slideshow below for all spawn locations.
As for the two unconfirmed: One spawn is located to the right of #4 in the bushes and #9 is supposedly a double spawn. Post will be updated upon verification.
Junkyard does not require any radiation protection.

The Dome (3 Spawns)
All three diesel barrels spawn on the top of The Dome. A max of two can be found each time but in the picture you can see all three.
The Dome requires a minimum of 10 radiation protection to ascend.

Water Treatment Plant (4 Spawns)
Here you can find 4 different diesel barrel spawns, with a max of 3 active. First one situated below the recycler building and behind it you will find another building hiding 2 potential barrels. The last one can be located on top of a platform with a ladder to reach it. Here you will also find a Pumpjack where you can convert your Diesel into Low grade fuel and Crude oil
Water Treatment Plant does not require any radiation protection, given you stay away from the tall tower on the edge of the mountain.

Large Oil Rig (4 Spawns)
A simple loot for diesel barrels as they all spawn next to each other as viewed in the picture. But as a tier-3 monument, Large Oil Rig offers a large resistance of blue scientists sprawling the areas of every floor. The 4 Diesel barrels are situated on the top floor.
Large Oil Rig does not require any radiation protection.

Oil Rig – Small (13 Spawns)
Oil Rig, or as it’s more commonly called: Small Oil. Consists of 13 different spawns, with a maximum of 3-4 to be looted each run. With less resistance than Large Oil, Small still offer Ai resistance consisting of blue scientists. Not only are the barrels scattered around unlike Large, it has a lot of fake diesel barrels to confuse. But following our guide you shouldn’t miss any.
7 Barrels spawns on Floor 4 (Top floor)
2 Barrel spawns on Floor 3
3 Barrel spawns on Floor 2
1 Barrel spawn on Floor 1
Oil Rig does not require any radiation protection.

Airfield (4 Spawns)
With 4 spawns and a possibility to find a maximum of 3 barrels per run, Airfield offers no resistance in terms of Ai. However, if you intend on combining your barrel run with a card run, you will face blue scientists below ground.
Airfield requires at least 10 radiation protection.

Military Tunnels (4 Spawns)
Guarded by heaps of standard blue scientists, military tunnels offer a total of 4 different diesel spawns with 3 active with all of them situated underground. First barrel is situated in the fuse-room. As you enter the tunnels this room will be to your right. The other three spawn next to each other in the furthest back of the tunnels on the left hand side. (Not the green smog)
Military Tunnels require 25 radiation protection, in the depths of the tunnel – above by the first barrel you only need 10.

Power Plant (4 Spawns)
Powerplant contains 4 different Diesel spawns, but only 3 can be active at the same time.
Spawn #3 and #4 are situated right next to each other. Here you will also find a Pumpjack where you can convert your Diesel into Low grade fuel and Crude oil.
Powerplant generally requires 25 radiation protection, but to only access the diesel you can go without any protection at all. Stay away from the collapsed cooling tower as even with a hazmat suit you will still receive radiation poisoning.

Missile Silo (3 Spawns)
Apart from having the best loot for a tier-2 monument, Missile Silo contain 3 Diesel right next to each other at the lowest level next to the red card. The Silo have 3 blue scientists guarding the surface whilst heavy NVGM Scientists protect the inside.
Missile Silo requires 27 radiation protection, so wear any hazmat or full leather clothing with wood armor. Stay clear of the warheads as they give off higher rad poisoning.

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