
Need More Heat: All 5 Endings Complete Walkthrough (2 New Endings Included) | Roblox

All endings are not that hard to get, actually.

Need More Heat is a fun and short Roblox game that you can play really quickly and get some enjoyment out of it. The game is very short and can easily be beaten within an hour. But of course, it’s boring if you only get an hour of content out of the game.

That’s why there are 5 endings to unlock, with 2 new endings being added to the game. If you are looking for a guide on how to get all 5 endings in the game, including the 2 new ones, then you have come to the right place.

All 5 Endings Complete Walkthrough

There are a total of 5 endings to get in the game. Those are the Good Ending…?, Bad Ending, Good Ending, Insanity Ending, and Fatal Ending.

The last two endings were recently added into the game, while the first three were already in the game since launch.

We will be going through the endings one by one on how to achieve them, but bear in mind that I will give you a full walkthrough on how to go through the game the first time.

After that, I will go straight on how to achieve the other endings directly!

Good Ending…?

When you start the game, your first objective is to tell your father that you’re sick. Simply leave your room and go to the room on the other side of the hall. You will find your father there. Tell him you’re sick and he will say no.

Telling your father you are sick in Need More Heat.

After your father says no, you will need to go back inside your room and turn on every light to make the room hotter.

You will do so by turning on the two lamps in the room (one besides your bed and one on your computer table) and the light switch that is right next to your door.

Go back to your father afterwards and he will check your temperature again, only to say that you’re still not warm enough.

Turning on all the lights in your room in Need More Heat.

Your next objective is to turn on every light in the house. First, you can find two lamps inside your father’s room on bedside tables and the light switch next to the door. Turn those on and then exit the room.

Turning all of the lights in the entire house in Need More Heat.

Next, head to the garage and turn on the light there. The switch can be found next to the garage door.

Turning on the lights in the garage in Need More Heat.

After turning on the light there, head back into the house and turn on the light switches there. There should be one next to the main entrance door.

Turning on the lights in the living room and kitchen in Need More Heat.

Right next to the garage entrance in the house, you can find another light switch there. Turn it on and go to the door in the right.

Turning on the kitchen lights in Need More Heat.

Inside the room, you will find the light switch right next to the door. With all light switches in the house now active, go back to your father and have your temperature checked again.

Turning on the bathroom lights in Need More Heat.

Your father will still say no and will tell you to go take a bath and eat breakfast. Go inside the bathroom and head to the bathtub.

You will get a prompt to fill up the bathtub. Fill up the bath tub and while it does that, leave the bathroom and head to the kitchen.

Filling up the bath tub with hot water in Need More Heat.

In the kitchen, grab the mug off the table and heat it in the microwave. While that is heating up, go back inside the bathroom.

Grabbing the mug and placing it in the microwave in Need More Heat.

In the bathroom, simply jump into the bath tub and then jump out. You don’t have to stay inside for long.

Once you make contact with the water, your temperature will rise. You can then exit the bathroom and go back to the kitchen.

Jumping into the bath tub to get warm in Need More Heat.

When the microwave is done, grab the hot chocolate and drink it to raise your temperature. Afterwards, go back to your father and tell him your sick once again.

Taking a sip from the mug in Need More Heat.

Your father will still tell you to go to school and to change your clothes. After this, go to your room and head to your closet.

Open it and you will find your winter clothes. Put them on and it will raise your temperature. Go back to your father once again and tell him you’re sick.

Putting on winter clothes in Need More Heat.

Your father will still tell you are not sick. So, you will need to close all of the windows and turn the heating on.

Inside your father’s room, there will be a window and heating in there. Close the window and turn on the heating before leaving the room.

Closing all windows in the house in Need More Heat.

Go inside your room and just like your father’s room, close the window and turn on the heating before leaving the room.

Closing the bedroom window in Need More Heat.

In the hallway leading to the living room, there will be a heating there. Turn it on.

Turning on all heaters in the house in Need More Heat.

Lastly, you will have to close all of the windows in the living room. There will be 4 of them in here, but they are all next to each other.

Once all of them are closed, you can go back to your father to try and convince him that you are sick.

Closing all windows in the living room and kitchen in Need More Heat.

Your father will still tell you that you are not sick. Your next objective is to then turn on every faucet in the house so hot water can come out and turn on the stove.

Go inside the bathroom first and turn on the faucet there. Across the faucet, you will find a bidet. Turn that on as well.

Turning on the bathroom faucet and bidet in Need More Heat.

The last faucet can be found in the kitchen. Turn that on and the stove next to it. After all of that is done, try your luck again with your father and tell him you are sick.

Turning on the kitchen faucet and the stove in Need More Heat.

Your father will still tell you that you are okay and ready for school. Go back to your room and grab the extremely heavy book on the computer table (which is your homework) and bring it to your living room.

Grab your homework in your bedroom in Need More Heat.

Bring it to the living room fireplace and burn your homework. This will add more heat to the house. You can then go back to your father and try again.

Bring the homework and burn it inside the fireplace in Need More Heat.

No surprise, your father will still say you are okay. Go back into the kitchen and grab the fork on the table.

Go to the microwave and stick the fork in the microwave and turn it on (please do not try this at home). Once done, go back to your father and try again.

Grabbing the fork and placing it in the microwave in Need More Heat.

Surprise surprise, your father still insists you go to school. Your next objective is to burn down the car. Go to the garage and grab the gasoline canister on the side.

Grabbing the gasoline canister in the garage in Need More Heat.

Approach the car and you will have to hold the button prompt to pour the gasoline all over the car.

Pouring the gasoline all over the car in Need More Heat.

Follow the gasoline trail and stand at the end of it. There, you will have the prompt to light up the gasoline to burn the car. After this, go back to your father and tell him you are sick again.

Lighting up the gas to burn the car in Need More Heat.

Even with the whole house close to setting on fire, your father still insists you go to school.

After talking to your father, leave the house and go to any side of the house and go to any tree that is surrounding your house.

You will then get the prompt to set one on fire. Except when you press the prompt, all of the trees are on fire.

With your surroundings practically on fire and close to starting a forest fire, go back inside and talk to your father about being sick again.

Going outside the house to burn the trees in Need More Heat.

Go to the back of the house where you can find an empty pool. Stand at the end of the pool where you are facing the deepest part.

You will then get the prompt to “pray”. This will then trigger a cutscene where the son summons lava to fill the pool.

With the pool somehow containing lava, go back inside and talk to your father about being sick once again.

Praying to a deity to fill the pool with lava in Need More Heat.

Even with your surroundings practically on fire and the pool being filled with lava, your father still insists you go to school.

Having no ideas, your next objective is to check the TV to see what else can help you. Go to the living room and on the coffee table, click on the remote to turn on the TV.

With the TV on, keep clicking until you reach this channel. There, you will see a helpful idea and a phone number.

Turning on the TV to find this channel in Need More Heat.

To call the phone number, go to the phone on the left of the TV and interact with it. You will then see this screen pop up. Input the numbers 321-456 to call the number.

Putting this number in to call for help in Need More Heat.

A dragon will then fly to where you are and spew fire all over your house, effectively setting your house on fire. With that done, go back to your father and try telling him you are sick once again.

A dragon spewing fire all over your house and setting it on fire in Need More Heat.

Amazingly, your father still won’t budge and insists you go to school. Having no choice but to use your godly powers, you will have to go out into the front door and look at the sun.

Yes, you will be pulling the sun closer with your rope. This is the last thing you need to do in order to get the Good Ending…?

Going outside to bring the sun closer with a rope in Need More Heat.

Bad Ending

This ending is probably the easiest to achieve out of all the endings in the game. Once you wake up, you can just leave the house and go to the school bus stop that’s on the other side of the street from your house.

You can then interact with the bus stop to go to school, but the game will tell you no.

The game will try to convince you to continue with the game but if you are persistent enough, you can trigger the school bus to appear and go to school, which gives you the Bad Ending.

Going outside and standing next to the school bus stop in Need More Heat.

Good Ending

For the Good Ending, you will have to reach the point where you need to turn on the stove and the faucets in the house.

Instead of doing that, go behind the house and stand outside the window where you can see your father.

Standing outside the window of your father's bedroom in Need More Heat.

You will need to maneuver your camera around so that you can see the father’s face. You can then listen to what he’s saying.

Moving your camera around to look at your father's face in Need More Heat.

After finding out and the cutscene ends, look around and grab whatever flower looks nice to you. With a flower in hand, you will have to deliver the flower to your mother.

Grabbing a flower to give to your mother in Need More Heat.

Across the house, you can find a forest. Go inside the forest and keep going straight. The forest will eventually get foggy, but don’t let that stop you.

Keep following the path laid in front of you and it will eventually lead you to the cemetery.

Going into the forest to go to the cemetery in Need More Heat.

To find your mother’s grave, simply look for the tombstone that has a picture frame next to it. Once you do, approach the grave and deliver the flower.

This will trigger a cutscene, as well as the Good Ending.

Delivering the flower to your mothers grave in Need More Heart.

Insanity Ending

Now, we move onto the new endings of the game, starting with the Insanity Ending. To trigger this cutscene, you will need to reach the point where you have to turn on the stove and water faucets.

When you turn on the water faucet in the bathroom, jump on top of the sink and you will get a prompt to look into the mirror.

Keep holding the button and the son will slowly go insane until finally, the mirror breaks, and the son is crazed and insane.

Looking at your reflection in the mirror to go insane in Need More Heat.

With the son now crazed, the first objective is to blockade all exits. To do that, you will need to break the table in the kitchen.

Breaking the kitchen table to get planks to barricade the exits in Need More Heat.

Once the table is broken, grab the planks and barricade the windows and doors in the house. Here are the locations with exits you need to barricade:

  • Living Room (Windows)
  • Kitchen (Windows)
  • Garage Door
  • Son’s Bedroom (Window)
  • Father’s Bedroom (Window)
Barricading the windows and other exits with planks in Need More Heat.

Once all exits have been barricaded, you will have to kill your father. Grab the fork that was on the floor when you broke the table and go to your father.

Grabbing the fork to stab your father in Need More Heat.

Approach your father and start attacking him. He will then start running away from you after the second strike. Keep following him as he has nowhere else to go and attack him.

Approaching your wounded father to stab him more in Need More Heat.

For the last part, your father will be hiding in your closet. Open the closet door and finish him off.

Finding your father in the closet in Need More Heat.

Once your father is killed and you are arrested, a series of questions will pop up. You can choose to answer them or not. Either way, you have achieved the Insanity Ending!

Series of questions you can answer or ignore in Need More Heat.

Fatal Ending

The last ending (Fatal) is easy to achieve. To get the Fatal Ending, you will need to follow the process of the Insanity Ending. But when you have to finish your father off, do not do anything.

Eventually, the prompt will disappear, and your father will end up killing you. This is the Fatal Ending, which means you have achieved all of the endings in the game.

Not killing your father at the last second in the Fatal Ending in Need More Heat.

That’s all you need to do in order to get all 5 endings in Need More Heat. Did this guide help you get all of the endings in the game? Let us know in the comment below.

Also, if you’re interested in looking at more Weird Strict & Need More games in Roblox, make sure to check out our collection as well. It includes all the available endings, mechanics and other useful information.


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Need More Heat: How To Get Insanity Ending | Roblox

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