In The Chantry (scene 4) to unlock How Could I Forget trophy you will need to collect all 7 Memories.
Here’s a detailed guide to help you get those memories and earn the trophy!
How Could I Forget? | Trophy Guide All Memories In The Chantry – Vampire The Masquerade Swansong
- Get the #1 Lost Memory
You first need to escape the cell by using the Blink celerity. Consume all the rats in your cell until you get to only 2 celerity.
Proceed down by blinking and there will be a cutscene. You will then be teleported to an elevator.
Exit the elevator and turn left until you find the fourth door and enter.

Proceed inside until a cutscene shows. Look to your right and then proceed up the stairs. There, turn left until you find a gap to a scaffolding. Blink your way there.

Proceed further and keep using Blink until you find other scaffoldings on the right. Keep going down the stairs and turn right to the hallway with two pillars.
Go inside and exhaust Emem’s past memories and a portal will open. You have now found the #1 Lost Memory.

- Get the #2 Lost Memory
You will be ported to the previous location. Turn back to the ledge and use Blink to get to the higher ledge area.

Keep using Blink until you get to the cave like area. Proceed inside the gate where the library is.
Upon entering the library, turn right until you see 3 levers. Activate the most left lever.

Exit the library and return to the cave area. Go the ledge where you came from and blink down there.
Look to your back and Blink to the first higher cell area. Interact with the prisoner there to drain his blood.

Exit the cell through the door and proceed left. Keep going until you find another cell door on the right with a prisoner inside.

Enter the door and get to right edge of the cell and you will be ported to the elevator again.
Exit the elevator and turn right until you find a red door with a round window, enter inside.
You will now see and obtained Emem’s #2 Lost Memory, exhaust the memory and another portal will appear.

- Get the #3 Lost Memory
You will be ported back to the cell area, exit through the door. Proceed left until you reach an opening. Turn right to the ledge and Blink down.
Go further down and keep using Blink until you reach a bloody cell room. Get to the mattress on the left and you will then be ported again.

Go further down and keep using blink until you reach a bloody cell room. You will then be ported to the elevator again.
Exit the elevator, turn left and find the white door with stains on it.

Exit the elevator, turn left and find the white door with stains on it. Get inside and exhaust Emem’s memory. Another portal will then appear again.

- Get the #4 Lost Memory
You will be ported to the bloody cell room. Exit by Blinking up until you reach the cave area again. Enter the cave and proceed right, eat some rats along the way until you only have 1 Celerity.
Get to the very end of the cave until you see a gate, activate the lever on the left to open it. Go forward, look right until you see a ledge on the left.

Proceed further down until you reach a blue light. You will then be ported to the elevator once again.
Exit the elevator and turn left until you find the door with a white light shining underneath. Enter the door and exhaust the memory.

You will now have the #4 Lost Memory. Another portal will appear which will port you back.
- Get the #5 Lost Memory
Proceed up the ledges until you find the library area and enter. Turn left and approach the first table. Take the Tremere Potion and consume it. This will give you Fleetness Celerity.
Next, go the levers inside the library. In front of the lever, use Fleetness and activate the lever on the right.

Quickly exit the library and turn left towards the cave with the open gate. Head inside until you find a cell door on the right.

Inside you will find a radio on top of a table. Examine the radio and you will be ported to the elevator.
Exit the elevator and turn right until you find a door with a white light shining underneath. Enter the door, exhaust the #5 Lost Memory and exit through the portal.
Now there are 2 memories left to find.

- Get the #6 Lost Memory
After you are ported back to the cell, exit through the door. Turn right until you reach the end of the cave and find another cell door on your right.
Enter the cell and use Blink to go down the ledge. Proceed through the bridge and enter the room with a crack on left side of the wall.
Examine the crack and you will be ported to the elevator.

Exit the elevator, turn left and enter the door with a white light shining underneath. Exhaust the #6 Lost Memory and another portal will appear to port you back.
Now onto the final Lost Memory.
- Get the #7 Lost Memory
Proceed back to the cell area from where you came. Exit through the door and go further inside the cave until you reach a gate. Open the gate by pulling the lever on the right.
Turn left then go up the stairs and proceed further until you find an altar.
Get to the edge of the altar and use the mechanic to solve the puzzle.

To solve this puzzle, you need to align the pathing of the outer ring with the inner ring.

After you solve this puzzle, get to the center stone and proceed to the 2nd floor. This will bring you up the tower.
There you will encounter a second puzzle. Use the altar stone and solve the puzzle.

Then proceed to the center stone and go up to the 3rd floor. Here you will need to solve another puzzle.

Go to the center stone and proceed to the 4th floor. No more annoying puzzle here (phew).
On the last floor, find the pot that has fire on it and examine. This will port you to the elevator and take you to the last memory.

Exit the elevator and go to the first door with white shining light underneath. Proceed inside and exhaust the #7 Lost Memory.

Voila! You now earned the How could I forget? trophy. Hope this extensive guide helps you!
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