
Devas of Creation: How to Make the Best & Most Powerful Build Guide

It will depend on your play style, but here are some tips for you!

Devas of Creation has been out for a few days now, and people are starting to dip their toes into the current endgame content, which admittedly just consists of enemies with better stats. Because of this, people are wondering what build they should be using to take on these tougher challenges. In this guide, we will be sharing some tips on how you can get the best out of your setup!

How to Make the Best & Most Powerful Build Guide

First up, I want to address how misleading a lot of builds you might see around can be. Some people out there fail to mention that they are going the pay to win route by spinning for traits that give huge damage boosts.

Basically, the average player like myself will likely only have Vitality Fusion or Defensive Resilience, which have no offensive buffs. If you are willing to spend Robux on spins for traits, you will want to try getting one of the following:

  • Endurance (13% chance) – Bonus physical and magic power (+7% each) and some extra block stamina, which is meh.
  • Critical Mastery (13% chance) – This will provide you with 20% stronger critical hits and a very significant 12% critical hit chance buff. This is great if you also build dexterity, which the build I’m sharing will dip into.
  • Mystical Strength (3.9% chance) ­– This is what most big content creators you see will have. It adds a huge 12% bonus physical and magic power and around +20% critical hit power. Don’t sleep on how powerful the buff is, as +12% paired with other perks can easily add up to several hundreds of power.
  • Mighty Arcane Aura (Extremely Low 0.1% chance) – This is very unlikely for you to have, but it gives +15% magic and physical power, 12% critical hit chance, and other less significant buffs.

If you don’t have spins, that’s okay too. With blue rarity weapons and no offensive traits, this build that I’m going to show you will still hit for a ton of damage. Yes, even in the catacombs, within reason.

NOTE: This build will mainly be for PVE, but it should perform fine in PVP too if you play it well. Even against pay to win players, skill will take you far. Besides, there are only a few PKers out there anyway.

Devas of Creation traits page with all offensive traits highlighted

The Stat Spread – Str + Dex

The main focus of this build will be pure strength with just a bit of dexterity. The main idea is that we want to hit hard but also occasionally pop critical strikes, which will be incredibly useful while skills are on cooldown or if you have low mana.

My personal setup is to pump all stats into strength, but also add some dexterity until I was satisfied with the base critical chance. In the case of this build, you can stop at around 20% or slightly above. This will ensure that some of your normal attacks will deal almost double damage.

If you are playing the game smart and crafting gear, you might have random perks in them like “Critical Hit Chance +10%”. In my case, my crafted bow has that exact same perk, so my critical chance is actually 33%.

Unless you are relying only on dropped gear, there is no reason not to craft stuff because of the perks that add to these stats. Just remember that only weapons will have offensive perks, so if you want to reroll, you’ll need to make it again.

For the purposes of this build, we will want a critical hit chance perk of any rarity, just to make them more frequent. Physical power is okay too, since that will be more consistent without the random spikes.

Finally, we also want to be using light armor of whichever rarity you can wear at your level. These armor sets will always buff your dexterity and strength or wisdom. Wisdom will speed up your mana regeneration, which is almost as important as your raw damage, so it’s fine to have.

By now you are probably wondering why we have no constitution. I will get to that further below, but for now, just trust the process.

Devas of Creation attributes page with important parts highlighted

The Loadout + Skill Choices

For our loadout, it will depend on the type of content that you will be facing. For the sake of convenience, I will be splitting this into two sub sections: Farming and High Value Targets.

Farming Setup – GS + Bow

For farming, you will want to maximize your area of effect damage. To do this, we will be using the bow and great sword. Since we are running a bit of a glass cannon build stats wise, these are the abilities you are going to be taking:

  • Great Sword – Swap to this after luring mobs together.
    • Sword Slam – Use this skill while the mobs are still a few steps away from being able to attack you. Don’t forget to lock in first so you don’t have to manually aim it. The modifiers are unimportant, but Heal is nice if you make a mistake.
    • Skyrend Strike – We take this over Spin because this will wreck mobs in one burst. Take Power and Cool Down as modifiers and use it after Sword Slam before mobs hit you.
    • Sword Hook – This one is just nice to have in general if you need to pull single targets or even fight a random PKer. Sonic Impulse is useless because it takes too long to cast and is almost as strong as Sword Slam.
  • Bow – Use this against single targets or if you need to escape mobs in case you mess up and they didn’t die to your Sword Slam + Skyrend Strike combo.
    • Stun Shot – Always nice to have against single targets, especially with the Poison modifier. Also a good crowd control option for PVP, assuming you can aim.
    • Explosive Shot – This is your “get out of jail free” card if you mess up the great sword combo. It can also be used instead of Skyrend Strike, but you will need to experiment with mobs to see if it will kill them.
    • Solar Arrow – Take this with Power and Cool Down. I don’t think I need to explain why we pick this, but it’s really strong in terms of single target damage. You can one shot most mobs with it before even aggroing them.

Basically, this loadout assumes that you have a mount or at least are fast enough to lure enemies without getting hit. All you need to do is run around and clump together every mob within range and then Sword Slam + Skyrend Strike before they can even hit you.

If you do it right, this should just straight up delete large crowds in one go. If they somehow survive, quickly switch to bow and then fire a locked in Explosive Shot to finish them off. This works especially well against the enemies at the Ogre’s Stronghold.

I hit level 40 very quickly with this build, as dull as the process was. If you are going to farm the Catacombs, refer to the next sub section. By the way, we have a complete catacombs guide that you might find helpful too.

Devas of Creation bow and gs skill trees

High Value Targets Setup – Bow + Dagger

For stronger enemies, we are going to rely more on single target damage mainly using the bow, with the dagger as a utility weapon. The logic is that you will be deleting enemies quickly without any risk at all.

First, you will need to take the following skills:

  • Bow – This is your main damage dealer, and we will be using basic attacks a lot. With that said, we still need abilities of course.
    • Stun Shot – Same as the farming build. This will be useful if you are fighting something tanky and need some breathing room.
    • Explosive Shot – Same reason as the one at the farming build. If you get into a sticky situation, you can use this to escape.
    • Solar Arrow – With the Power and Cool Down modifiers, you can use this to one or two shot enemies. More explanations below after the skill breakdown.
  • Dagger – You will not be using this to deal damage. This is purely a utility weapon, and for the purpose of this build, we only need two abilities.
    • Dagger Blink – This will have the Critical Hit and Critical Hit Power modifiers. This is only used to buff Solar Arrow, but in case of emergencies, you can run away with it too.
    • Invisible – This will have Critical Hit on it, and the other modifiers are optional. Same use as Dagger Blink, though can also be used with Stun or Explosive Shot if Solar Arrow is still on cooldown.
Devas of Creation bow and dagger skill trees

So the main idea with this is that you will open up a fight by using either Dagger Blink or Invisible and then hitting a well-aimed Solar Arrow at your desired target. If done correctly and within the buff’s time limit, you should delete that one enemy or chunk most of their health.

Yes, this works against enemies in the Catacombs as well. Don’t believe me? Here’s a screenshot of how much damage a Solar Arrow with the guaranteed crit buff does against a Skeleton Warrior or even a slightly tankier Skeleton General:

Devas of Creation damage demonstration on two mobs

This is without expensive traits and with a level 30 weapon. This will be much more powerful with at least epic rarity gear, though I’m still in the process of getting some. As you can see, it still holds up well against other builds that already use level 40 gear.

After the solar arrow shot, you can easily finish off enemies with your basic M1 attacks or other abilities. The idea of this build is that you have to know how to parry (tap the block button before an attack lands).

If you want a good tip for parrying, here is how your fight should flow if you are going to be using M1 attacks:

  • 1. Wait for the enemy to attack first (IMPORTANT)
  • 2. Parry their first attack.
  • 3. Mash M1 until you do three attacks. It is important to mash, because holding it is unreliable due to the recovery animation after a successful parry.
  • 4. Press the parry button again.
  • 5. Repeat the entire process from step #3.

If you time everything correctly, you can just infinitely loop your parry and three attacks without getting hit at all. This same loop applies to every enemy in the game, you just have to learn their animations for that first parry.

The only thing to keep in mind is that you must dodge backwards if they start charging up a special attack. For example, the Skeleton Generals at the Catacombs will occasionally charge yellow energy before letting go an area of effect attack that will stun you for several seconds.

So, to recap, the loop goes like this: Parry -> M1 -> M1 -> M1 -> Parry, and then only dodge if they start charging up and glowing. While using a bow, the game’s AI will never try to block you. They will only do so if you use an ability, which Solar Arrow can hit through anyway.

NOTE: You can always use Solar Arrow off cooldown to finish them off too, which is ideal against tanky enemies like the Skeleton Generals. You can also bait the block with a Stun Shot and then hit them with an Explosive Shot.

Devas of Creation step by step demonstration of the loop

As a closing tip, both setups are interchangeable. If you want to use the great sword against high value enemies, you can safely use its abilities by landing a Stun Shot or Sword Hook first. This will compensate for not having a crit Solar Arrow.

And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to emulate this build, which will carry you through a lot of the game’s content with absolutely no real money spent. Mage builds can be viable too, though I probably won’t be experimenting with them personally as I don’t want to start an alt account.


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