In Dragonflight, you will master the art of Dragonriding, explore the land and get new Dragon Isles Drakes. You can make unique and customized mounts, and you can make them on your own. There are millions of combinations to choose from, and there won’t have two Drakes that are the same. In this guide, we will show you the Replica Dragon Goblet location in WoW Dragonflight.
Replica Dragon Goblet Location | Treasure Dragonflight In WoW

The first thing you need to do is to go to the Wingrest Embassy. You need to find Emilia Bellocq and get the Archeologist Artifact Notes, and then it will place a marker on the map. Once you’ve done that, you need to summon your drake and fly to the pointed location in the map in the image above.

After you reach there, you will see a half-broken tower. Then to go down to get the Replica Dragon Goblet, you need to be careful not to drop down immediately and die. You will make sure to go down slowly. Once you’ve got that, you will go on to the next one to complete the Treasures of the Waking Shores.
That is all about finding the Replica Dragon Goblet. We hope this guide has helped you find the Replica Dragon Goblet.
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