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God Of War Ragnarok: Jarnsmida Pitmines All Collectibles

All these collectibles are mine!

There is a new game that came out recently and it’s the long awaited God of War Ragnarok. Fans of the franchise has been waiting for a long time and it’s finally here, a continuation of Kratos’ story, and despite it being in the Norse Mythology, the developers have made it so it focuses more on an open-world experience as well as expanding on the lore. The has a lot of things to do in the open-world and one of the things you can do is get collectibles that are scattered around the map. In this guide we’ll show you where to find all the collectibles in the Jarnsmida Pitmines.

Jarnsmida Pitmines All Collectibles In God Of War Ragnarok

Here’s a reminder that some of the collectibles shown in this guide can only be found after certain events of chapters in the main story.

Specifically, the spear which you can get at Chapter 10, the Gravestones that appear after Chapter 9 and the Remnants of Asgard that appears after finishing the main story, so keep that in mind. Here are all the collectibles to be found in Jarnsmida Pitmines.

Artifact #1

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

From the start of the level go forward and to the south dropping down the ledge and going down the chain. At the shore you can find an Artifact.

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Nornir Chest

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Now go back up the chain and up the ledge and go left, jumping over a gap and going straight to a tunnel that you need to crouch and go through. Once at the other side head east, going another ledge and through a gap that you need to jump. There you’ll find a Nornir chest with the first rune next to it.

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Head north and jump down another ledge and stick to the left until you jump a gap. When you land in front of you is another rune.

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Now go back and jump the gap again. To the left you’ll need to freeze the water going down the rune with your axe. Then you can light it, afterwards go back to the chest and claim your loot.

Lore Bit

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Go back to the second rune and look east, there on the wall is a lore bit.

Odin’s Raven

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

From the lore bit, go back jumping the gap again and look east. There you can find one of Odin’s Ravens flying around.

Artifact #2

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

In the open area in the southern part of the pitmines head northwest until you reach an area blocked by rocks. Destroy the rocks and to the right there’s a mechanism you can pull to set up the next step. That will move a large square rock that you need to go on top of.

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

After getting on top of the rock look south and you’ll need to freeze the water going down with your axe to let the stone block move.

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Wait till the stone block stops moving and look south to see some tracks. Go down there and at the end is an Artifact.

Legendary Chest

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Next to the Artifact is a Legendary Chest. If only all Collectibles were so close to each other.

Berserker Gravestone

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

Head south by using the rope and at the middle of the area you’ll find a Berserker Gravestone.

Remnant Of Asgard

Source: 100% Guides – YouTube

When you finish the main story of the game you can go back to the start of the Pitmines where you can find some Remnants of Asgard.

Congratulations you now know where all these collectibles are in God of War Ragnarok, now go out there and try to find them all yourself!

Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone where to find these, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: God Of War Ragnarok Jarnsmida Pitmines All Collectible Locations – YouTube

ALSO READ: God Of War Ragnarok: All Applecore Collectibles


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