
Hogwarts Legacy: All Collection Chests Locations at The Library Annex

Find all of the 8 Collection Chests in Hogwarts’ Library Annex.

Collection Chests are a special type of chest that you can find in Hogwarts Legacy. Every area has a different number of Collection Chests unique to it.

The subject for this guide is the Library Annex which holds 8 different chests.

Let’s find out where you can find all of the Collection chests in the area in this guide.

Where to Find All Collection Chests at The Library Annex

Before we begin, we want you to know that you need to meet certain requirements before you’re able to find every Collection Chest in the Library Annex.

First, you’ll need to progress the story until you have completed the “Secrets of the Restricted Section” main story quest.

Also, you’ll need to acquire the following spells: Accio, Depulso, and a fire spell such as Incendio. Without further ado, let’s detail every chest’s location.

Collection Chest #1 – Arithmancy Class Entrance Puzzle Door

The first Collection Chest in the Library Annex can be accessed by opening the puzzle door that leads to the Arithmancy Class.

Fast travel to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame. Head up the stairs in front of you and take a left. Run across the rafters until you see the first opening to your right. Take this right turn.

Source: Game Guides Channel

You’ll come across a puzzle door with dials on both of its sides.

Roll the dial on the left until it lands on the drawing of an owl sitting on a branch. Then roll the dial on the right until it shows the Graphorn (a horned creature with tentacles in its mouth).

The door will open and the chest will be right in front of you, below a painting of a knight.

Collection Chest #2 and #3 – Arithmancy Classroom Puzzle Doors

Right after you open the previous puzzle door, head up the stairs until you reach the Arithmancy Classroom.

This room has two Arithmancy Puzzle Doors, both of which reward you with Collection Chests.

Source: Game Guides Channel

First, let’s open the door to your left. Roll the dial on the left until it shows an owl on a branch. Now roll the dial on the right until it shows a Quintaped (spider-like creature with a face).

The door will open and you can enter a small room to claim your Collection Chest.

Source: Game Guides Channel

Now, look for the other puzzle door in the classroom. It’s exactly opposite the entrance you came through earlier.

For this door, roll the left dial until it shows a salamander (lizard creature) and the right dial until it shows a unicorn.

The door will open, revealing another small room with the Collection Chest.

Collection Chest #4 – Long Gallery Puzzle Door

For this chest, fast travel to the Library Floo Flame. Go through the door to the left of the Floo Flame and down some stairs, then turn right and you should see the door.

The left dial is close to the door if you look to your left while facing the door. Roll this dial until it lands on the Griphorn drawing. Again, this is a horned creature with tentacles in its mouth.

Now, the other dial is to the right of the door. It’s close to the staircase you used to enter this room. Roll it until it lands on the unicorn symbol. The door will open and reveal another room.

Head in and find the Collection Chest on a pedestal between some statues.

Collection Chest #5 – Depulso Puzzle Room 1

For this Collection Chest, you’ll need to complete the Depulso Puzzle Room 1 in the Long Gallery.

If you are still by the puzzle door from the previous chest, just head outside of the room and turn right to go down the Long Gallery.

Otherwise, fast travel to the Library Floo Flame and go through the large door. Go down the stairs and you’ll be at the entrance to the Long Gallery.

Now, go through this long hallway until you spot a square protrusion on the left side of the wall. Cast Depulso on it and you will reveal the door to the Depulso Puzzle Room 1.

In this room, you’ll have to move some huge cubes to use as paths to reach the various chests. You can use Accio and Depulso to pull or push the cubes, respectively.

Note that cubes will slide until they collide with something else, such as another cube or a wall.

You can reset the cubes’ position by hitting the spinning lamp-like contraption on the north wall with your basic cast spell.

First, move the blocks around to make paths to the two regular chests. One is on the 3-block high column on the south wall. The other is on the 3-block high column on the east wall.

After grabbing both regular chests, make a path with the cubes to climb the western wall. That’s where you first entered the room from.

The Collection Chest will be in the middle of the hallway.

Collection Chest #6 – Restricted Section

To reach this chest, you’ll first need to complete the “The Secrets of the Restricted Section” story quest. The area isn’t available until you do so.

Fast travel to the Library Floo Flame and head to the restricted section by following the linear path past the fenced gate.

You’ll find the Collection Chest on a table near where you met Peeves during the story.

Collection Chest #7 and #8 – Viaduct Puzzle

For the last two Collection Chests, you’ll need to complete a puzzle in the viaduct that connects the Library Annex and the Great Hall. You need Incendio or Confringo to solve this puzzle.

Look for a circular plate on the floor of the viaduct. You’ll notice it has some symbols. Also, notice how each of these symbols corresponds with a roman numeral.

To solve this puzzle, look for the braziers on the viaduct’s handguard. Each of these braziers has a big spherical plate with a symbol below it. Match the symbol with the numbers, like the plate.

One of the braziers is lit already. Approach it and interact with it to turn it until its number matches the symbol, using the floor’s plate as a reference. In this case, set it to II.

The other braziers aren’t lit up, however. You’ll need to approach them and light them with a fire spell, such as Incendio. After lighting them up, interact with them and match their symbol and number.

When you correctly match all the brazier numbers and symbols, the plate you used as a reference will slide away revealing a ladder.

Go down the ladder and you’ll be inside the viaduct. The last two collectible chests are found here, so just grab them up and you’re done!

ALSO READ: Hogwarts Legacy: San Bakar’s Tower Merlin Trial Puzzle Solution


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